Walter Greenwood is remembered chiefly as the author of

Love on the Dole

(1933) – a novel which had a wide impact on public perceptions of the intolerable living conditions of the unemployed in the nineteen-thirties. Greenwood came from a poor working-class background in Salford and, after a variety of low-paid jobs, he was unemployed from 1929 till 1933. He wrote

Love on the Dole

towards the end of this period, and it was unsurprisingly regarded as an authentic account of the misery caused for individuals and communities by long-term unemployment and poverty. The novel sold well and was reprinted many times during the nineteen thirties and nineteen-forties, and has remained in print ever since. Both the literary qualities of the novel and its sustained publication history have made it…

2750 words

Citation: Hopkins, Chris. "Walter Greenwood". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 21 November 2019 [, accessed 02 June 2024.]

1866 Walter Greenwood 1 Historical context notes are intended to give basic and preliminary information on a topic. In some cases they will be expanded into longer entries as the Literary Encyclopedia evolves.

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