Max Frisch, Tagebuch 1946-1949 [Diary 1946-1949]

Alfred D. White (Cardiff University)
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Despite its title,


is not a diary. Instead it is a notebook of texts compiled over several years, including Frisch’s exercises in writing and thinking: impressions of particular days, attempts to clarify a question that occupies him, imaginative sketches and even fairly advanced scenarios for literary works. Frisch remarkes: “

Die Form des Tagebuchs, so wie ich es für mich entwickelt habe, [...] ist eigentümlich für den Verfasser meines Namens

” [“Diary form, as I have developed it for myself, is peculiar to the author bearing my name”]. Following the early serialisations of his diaries in the leading newspaper,

Neue Zürcher Zeitung,

and in

Blätter aus dem Brotsack


Leaves from the Knapsack

, 1939], Frisch began to develop a unique sub-genre which was fresh,…

2090 words

Citation: White, Alfred D.. "Tagebuch 1946-1949". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 25 July 2005 [, accessed 01 June 2024.]

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