Friedrich Schiller, Wallenstein [The Wallenstein Trilogy, Wallenstein's Camp, The Piccolomini, Wallenstein's Death]

Jeffrey L. High (California State University, Long Beach)
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, Friedrich Schiller’s drama trilogy consisting of the plays

Wallensteins Lager


Die Piccolomini


Wallensteins Tod, Ein Trauerspiel in fünf Aufzügen


Wallenstein’s Camp


The Piccolomini

, and

Wallenstein’s Death


A Play of Mourning in Five Acts

, 1800] portrays the betrayal and murder of Bohemian General Albrecht von Wallenstein (1583-1634) during his final three days – at the height of his military and political power. Written in 1798/9, just after the period characterized by Schiller’s preoccupation with historical works, journal publications, aesthetic studies, and his first attack of the illness that eventually proved fatal,


marks Schiller’s return to drama after almost a decade, and is the first in a series of five dramas written between 1796 and…

3227 words

Citation: High, Jeffrey L.. "Wallenstein [The Wallenstein Trilogy, Wallenstein's Camp, The Piccolomini, Wallenstein's Death]". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 15 January 2007 [, accessed 18 June 2024.]

11151 Wallenstein [The Wallenstein Trilogy, Wallenstein's Camp, The Piccolomini, Wallenstein's Death] 3 Historical context notes are intended to give basic and preliminary information on a topic. In some cases they will be expanded into longer entries as the Literary Encyclopedia evolves.

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