Edward Boothroyd

After a batchelor’s degree in French and Music, I spent two years teaching English at the Université de Lyon II. Since completing my Master’s and PhD, I have been a visiting lecturer at the universities of Birmingham, Aston and Wolverhampton, taking up the position of Teaching Fellow in French Studies at the University of Birmingham in 2011.

I teach core language across all years, Modern France seminars, Politics, Culture and Society, as well as Year 1 Pen, Stage and Screen . Since the 2013-2014 academic session, I have been the convenor of a Year 2 module called Conflict, Identity and Absurdity in French Theatre. My previous teaching has included translation for French Erasmus exchange students, Landmarks of European Literature and Text & Interpretation. At Aston University I designed and convened a final-year option on Intellectuals and Politics in Postwar France.

My PhD focused on the theatre in Paris during the German Occupation, and I have since written articles and biographies on playwrights such as Anouilh, Claudel and Montherlant, as well as delivering a papers on Spanish theatre in France for the Society of French Studies annual conference in 2008, and in 2015 on Sartre's Resistance claims.

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