Gunter H. Hertling

G. H. Hertling, Professor Emeritus, is an alumnus of the Arts and Sciences and Germanics Faculty at the University of Washington (Seattle), where he served, taught, researched and published from 1961 until his partial retirement in 2004. Promotion to Full Professor in 1974. Born in California; secondary education in Germany during World War II; undergraduate and graduate education (Germanics) at the University of California, Berkeley (M.A. and Ph.D.); appointment to the University of Washington in 1961 (Germanics); 3 visiting appointments at the University of California, Santa Barbara, 2 at the University of Marburg (Germany). Guest lectures at the University of Washington, U. C. Santa Barbara, N.Y.U, University of Regensburg, and at numerous professional conferences (MLA; PAMLA; Am. Grillparzer Society; Modern Austrian Literature [MAL]; A.-Stifter-Gesellschaft / Linz; Oesterreichische Gesellschaft fuer Literatur / Wien). Main areas of graduate teaching and research: German / Austrian / Swiss literature and culture (Geistesgeschichte) of the 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries; special focus: 19th century German (& Austrian, Swiss) Poetic Realism (see Bibliography/Literaturverzeichnis).

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