Elisa Bizzotto
Elisa Bizzotto is full professor of English Literature at Iuav University of Venice. She works on Victorian and pre-Modernist literature, with a special focus on Aestheticism, Decadence, and transcultural literary studies in the long fin de siècle. Her approaches include genre, gender, reception, mythography, ecocriticism, and translation studies. She is the author of La mano e l’anima. Il ritratto immaginario fin de siècle (2001) and of Walter Pater: Reception, Rwriting. Adaptation (2018), and the co-author of The Germ Origins and Progenies of Pre-Raphaelite Interart Aesthetics (2012). She has co-edited volumes on Walter Pater (with Franco Marucci, 1996), Vernon Lee (with serena Cenni, 2006 and 2014), Arthur Symons: Poet, Critic, Vagabond (with Stefano Evangelista, 2018), and edited Mario Praz: Voice Centre Stage (2019). She is the vice-President of the International Pater Society and a founding member of the Italian Oscar Wilde Society. She is in the Scientific Board of the PhD in Studies in English Literature, Language and Translation (Sapienza Università di Roma), of CUSVE (Research Centre for Victorian and Edwardian Studies, University of Chieti-Pescara), of ClassicA Research Centre (Iuav), of CISR (Inter-University Centre for the Study of Romanticism, University of Bologna), and of the Neo-Victorian Decadence Research Group (University of Chieti-Pescara and Goldsmiths College). She participates in the editorial boards of the journals Studies in Walter Pater and Aestheticism, Volupté, English Literature, La rivista di Engramma, and Journal of Comparative Studies. She co-edits In-Carnations, a book series on fin-de-siècle English studies (ETS publisher, Pisa).