Abdulrazak Gurnah |
2012-08-15 |
Abul Hasan |
2021-01-19 |
Aesop |
2023-10-03 |
Alexander Kanengoni |
2005-01-19 |
Allen, Grant. Strange Stories 1884 |
2024-09-09 |
Ann Yearsley |
2007-03-03 |
Anne Holtsmark |
2022-11-24 |
Anonymous. Anonymous Verse Bruts: Royal Brut 1175 |
2024-04-19 |
Anonymous. Búkolla 1862 |
2024-06-28 |
Anonymous. Fagrskinna 1220 |
2025-01-08 |
Anonymous. Guðrúnarhvöt 1270 |
2024-02-09 |
Anonymous. Hávarðar saga Ísfirðings 1300 |
2025-01-21 |
Anonymous. Hlöðskviða 750 |
2024-06-25 |
Anonymous. Lalebuch (Die Schildbürger) 1597 |
2023-12-30 |
Anonymous. Ma’aseh Book 1602 |
2024-03-20 |
Anonymous. MS Harley 2253 1300 |
2023-02-03 |
Anonymous. Páls saga biskups 1211 |
2022-10-11 |
Anonymous. The Floure and the Leaf 1470 |
2021-05-25 |
Anonymous. The Tumbler/Juggler of Notre Dame - the medieval source story 1150 |
2024-06-09 |
Assia Djebar |
2009-07-09 |
Barbara Comyns Carr |
2016-08-08 |
Barrett Browning, Elizabeth. Casa Guidi Windows 1851 |
2004-06-02 |
Benjamin Constant |
2017-09-01 |
Berceo, Gonzalo. Vida de San Millán de la Cogolla 1230 |
2018-10-17 |
Bessette, Gérard. Le Libraire 1960 |
2017-02-08 |
Bjarni Gizurarson |
2025-01-17 |
Boswell, James. London Journal, 1762-1763 1762 |
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Boyle, T. Coraghessan. The Tortilla Curtain 1995 |
2024-09-13 |
Boyle, T. Coraghessan. Water Music 1981 |
2024-08-03 |
Brontë, Charlotte. The Professor 1846 |
2023-01-25 |
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward. The Coming Race 1871 |
2024-06-26 |
Burnett, Frances Hodgson. The Secret Garden 1909 |
2009-04-29 |
Burnett, Frances Hodgson. The Secret Garden 1909 |
2009-04-29 |
Carl Muller |
2003-09-17 |
Carroll, Lewis. Sylvie and Bruno; Sylvie and Bruno Concluded 1889 |
2007-12-18 |
Carroll, Lewis. The Hunting of the Snark 1876 |
2007-12-27 |
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2008-07-19 |
Césaire, Aimé. Une saison au Congo 1966 |
2008-07-19 |
Charles Mungoshi |
2005-01-19 |
Chaucer, Geoffrey. Anelida and Arcite 1370 |
2021-06-03 |
Chenjerai Hove |
2005-01-19 |
Christopher Marlowe |
2000-10-28 |
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2024-07-03 |
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2024-05-28 |
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2020-10-07 |
David Eggleton |
2024-10-09 |
Defoe, Daniel. A Plan of English Commerce 1728 |
2020-10-08 |
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2020-07-23 |
Delany, Martin R.. Blake: or, The Huts of America 1859 |
2024-05-31 |
Dell, Ethel M.. The Way of an Eagle 1912 |
2022-06-17 |
Diana Wynne Jones |
2005-12-14 |
Dickens, Charles. A Child's History of England 1851 |
2023-07-13 |
Dickens, Charles. Pictures from Italy 1844 |
2021-01-22 |
Dickens, Charles. The Chimes: A Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang an Old Year Out and a New Year In 1844 |
2024-06-28 |
Dionysius the Carthusian |
2024-11-06 |
Edna O'Brien |
2007-08-30 |
Eighteenth Century German Fausts |
2023-01-16 |
Elena Ferrante |
2021-06-15 |
Elizabeth Barrett Browning |
2001-07-07 |
Evgenii Evtushenko |
2005-05-05 |
Eymery, Marguerite. La Marquise de Sade 1887 |
2017-07-26 |
Eymery, Marguerite. La Marquise de Sade 1887 |
2017-07-26 |
Finnur Jónsson |
2022-09-09 |
Frances Hodgson Burnett |
2009-03-10 |
Frances Ridley Havergal |
2007-12-03 |
François Villon |
2024-11-11 |
Gabriel Okara |
2010-11-11 |
Gail Jones |
2022-06-15 |
Gay, John. Mr. Pope’s Welcome from Greece 1720 |
2020-10-14 |
Gay, John. The Mohocks 1712 |
2020-10-08 |
Gene Luen Yang |
2024-06-24 |
Geoffrey Hill |
2004-10-01 |
Ghose, Zulfikar. The Murder of Aziz Khan 1967 |
2021-09-08 |
Giorgio Scerbanenco |
2020-12-21 |
Gish Jen |
2011-08-12 |
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2024-05-22 |
Giuseppe Baretti |
2019-02-22 |
Greene, Graham. The Honorary Consul 1973 |
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Guðbergur Bergsson |
2024-04-12 |
Guðmundur Erlendsson |
2024-02-12 |
H.M. Naqvi |
2020-12-30 |
Harriet Martineau |
2003-08-05 |
Harriett Jacobs |
2001-07-17 |
Hasan Azizul Huq |
2021-08-25 |
Heinrich Steinhöwel |
2025-01-08 |
Herdís Andrésdóttir |
2024-01-18 |
Hurston, Zora Neale. Barracoon: The Story of the Last "Black Cargo" 2018 |
2024-06-26 |
Icelandic post-medieval manuscript culture |
2024-11-13 |
Italian Neorealism in Cinema |
2024-03-11 |
Italian Renaissance Theatre |
2019-02-27 |
J. K. Rowling |
2007-10-21 |
Jahanara Imam |
2020-12-17 |
James Kelman |
2010-04-26 |
James Woodhouse |
2007-03-03 |
Jóhann Sigurjónsson |
2024-08-20 |
John Berger |
2003-02-28 |
John Le Carré |
2002-03-21 |
Jón Árnason |
2024-05-27 |
Juan Gelman |
2010-07-15 |
Julia Margaret Cameron |
2021-10-11 |
Júlíana Jónsdóttir |
2024-11-13 |
K. S. Maniam |
2007-04-16 |
Khushwant Singh |
2004-03-11 |
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Laura Fish |
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Livre d'artiste |
2017-08-04 |
Lorrie Moore |
2006-02-09 |
MacDonald, George. The Princess and the Goblin 1872 |
2024-06-04 |
Magnús Stephensen |
2024-11-04 |
Margaret Fuller |
2024-08-14 |
Margaret Mahy |
2010-09-15 |
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2001-01-08 |
Marlowe, Christopher. Edward II 1594 |
2001-01-08 |
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2001-01-08 |
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2001-01-08 |
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2001-01-08 |
Martin Montanus |
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Martin R. Delany |
2024-07-05 |
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2004-01-28 |
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2004-01-28 |
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2004-01-28 |
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2015-06-30 |
Mary Collier |
2007-03-03 |
Mary Leapor |
2007-03-03 |
Maryse Condé |
2011-03-23 |
Matthías Johannessen |
2024-10-04 |
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2019-10-23 |
Meena Alexander |
2011-05-01 |
Mervyn Peake |
2003-02-28 |
Michael Donaghy |
2005-10-25 |
Mourid Barghouti |
2017-09-22 |
Mykhailo Semenko |
2016-05-12 |
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Nesbit, Edith. The Railway Children 1906 |
2021-02-08 |
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2024-06-28 |
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Oddur Einarsson |
2025-01-16 |
Ólafur Einarsson of Kirkjubær |
2024-03-01 |
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2024-03-25 |
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2024-05-24 |
Parvin Etesami |
2018-08-28 |
Pascal Quignard |
2024-09-10 |
Pavlo Fylypovych |
2017-06-30 |
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2023-02-15 |
Philip Pullman |
2002-03-21 |
Phillips, Caryl. Higher Ground 1989 |
2016-12-06 |
Pierre Loti |
2025-01-08 |
Pope, Alexander. Pamphlets on Edmund Curll 1716 |
2020-10-15 |
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2022-03-07 |
Pope, Alexander. The Worms 1716 |
2020-10-14 |
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2020-10-14 |
Quintus Tullius Cicero |
2013-02-14 |
Robert Bloomfield |
2006-10-21 |
Romeo + Juliet (1996) -- film adaptation of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet |
2018-08-16 |
Rudolfo A. Anaya |
2008-06-05 |
Ruth Rendell |
2004-10-22 |
Sagnakvæði |
2025-02-10 |
Saint Birgitta (Bridget) of Sweden |
2025-02-06 |
Saleha Chowdhury |
2021-06-22 |
Sarah Cowper |
2020-01-20 |
Savage, Richard. An Author to be Lett 1729 |
2021-05-17 |
Schreiner, Olive. The Story of an African Farm 1883 |
2024-05-23 |
Seamus Heaney |
2002-09-20 |
Shakespeare, William. Measure for Measure 1604 |
2004-04-29 |
Sharpe, Tom. Porterhouse Blue 1974 |
2024-11-29 |
Shirley Hazzard |
2005-11-21 |
Steinunn Sigurðardóttir |
2024-06-24 |
Stephen Duck |
2007-03-03 |
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2014-02-21 |
Susan Hill |
2008-09-09 |
Svava Jakobsdóttir |
2025-01-03 |
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2025-01-03 |
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2004-08-16 |
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2020-10-14 |
Sylvia Plath |
2003-09-17 |
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2023-10-05 |
Tankred Dorst |
2010-06-25 |
Terry Pratchett |
2002-09-20 |
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2024-04-18 |
The mistress and maid figures in European literature |
2023-01-25 |
Theodor Gottlieb von Hippel |
2021-07-14 |
Theodore Wratislaw |
2024-06-06 |
Thüring von Ringoltingen |
2020-12-30 |
Tristan L’Hermite |
2024-05-09 |
Trollope, Anthony. The Macdermots of Ballycloran 1847 |
2008-09-11 |
Ulrich Fuetrer |
2024-12-31 |
Uzma Aslam Khan |
2021-02-08 |
Valentin Rasputin |
2003-07-21 |
Vassilis Alexakis |
2013-01-06 |
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2015-11-18 |
Victor Canning |
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2020-12-17 |
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2021-09-02 |
W. H. Oliver |
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William Faulkner |
2001-07-19 |
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2024-06-24 |
Wisława Szymborska |
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Þórir Bergsson |
2025-02-10 |