Barry Crump (MBE) has been New Zealand’s most successful and prolific writer of humorous popular fiction, and meanwhile at one time or another a farm-labourer, forestry-worker, deer-culler, wild pig, goat and possum hunter, truck-driver, white-baiter, rabbiter, crocodile-hunter (in northern Australia), small-boat sailor, fisherman, television presenter, boys’ bush camp organiser, world traveller, golfer, independent radio station announcer and talk-back host, bit-part movie actor, television advertisement actor, mustering-gang cook, small farmer, and serial monogamist. Uniquely among local writers, he had not only engaged seriously in these manifold occupations, but was able to write engagingly about most of them, with vividness, humour and flair. By 1992, his books (already…
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Citation: Ross, John C.. "Barry Crump". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 11 July 2015 [, accessed 14 February 2025.]