Constance Caroline Woodhill Naden was born on 24 January 1858 at 15 Francis Road Edgbaston, Birmingham. Her mother, Caroline Anne, died following post-natal complications and so Naden was raised by her maternal grandparents. This was an affectionate relationship which she recalled with a dedicatory sonnet in her first collection of poetry

Songs and Sonnets of Springtime


YE who received me, when your hearts were sore, With double welcome, since I came in lieu Of one whose fond embrace I never knew-- Your child, my mother, dear for evermore-- Who scarce had time to greet the babe she bore, But, dying in her spring, bequeathed to you, Her father and her mother, guardians true, One little life, to tend when hers was o’er:

YE who received me, when your hearts were sore, …

2055 words

Citation: Ridley, Stephen William. "Constance Naden". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 27 August 2010 [, accessed 05 October 2024.]

12829 Constance Naden 1 Historical context notes are intended to give basic and preliminary information on a topic. In some cases they will be expanded into longer entries as the Literary Encyclopedia evolves.

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