Radwa Ashour (1946-2014) is an Egyptian academic, activist, translator and writer. Ashour died after a long battle with cancer and left behind an impressive body of work including novels, short story collections, academic writing, literary criticism, and translated works. She was a strong advocate for the independence of universities in Egypt and a founding member of the March 9th Movement in 2004 for the autonomy of universities from political influence.
Ashour graduated from Cairo University in 1967, and in 1972, she obtained her MA with a dissertation on the poets Kahlil Gibran and William Blake. The two poets had been often been studied comparatively and Ashour sought to distinguish between fact and the myth in their relation. Though greatly influenced by Blake, Ashour thinks Gibran a
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Citation: Elnamoury, Mona. "Radwa Ashour". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 20 November 2015 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=13544, accessed 12 September 2024.]