Having never forgotten her humble beginnings, Mexican author and journalist Cristina Pacheco endeavored to relay the realities of the citizens of Mexico City and its broader community in all of her print and multi-media productions. Given both Pacheco’s use of urban chronicles as well as her productivity and impact, Sandra Messinger Cypess proposes that “if one had to compare Pacheco with writers of previous generations, one would think of Rosario Castellanos and Elena Poniatowska” (2007: 151). Indeed, Pacheco’s long-term career contributions have been recognized frequently, although perhaps the most significant was her receipt of the inaugural Rosario Castellanos a la Trayectoria Cultural de la Mujer [Rosario Castellanos Women’s Cultural Trajectory] Award in 2012.

Cristina Romo

3310 words

Citation: Slack, Dawn. "Cristina Pacheco". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 27 July 2017 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=13909, accessed 12 February 2025.]

13909 Cristina Pacheco 1 Historical context notes are intended to give basic and preliminary information on a topic. In some cases they will be expanded into longer entries as the Literary Encyclopedia evolves.

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