Diane Glancy is the author of more than fifty published works of fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, and drama. Descended on her father’s side from the Cherokee, Glancy focuses her work on giving voice to previously underrepresented people, Native and non-Native alike. Among several other themes, her writing investigates the role of education in Native American experience, uncovers the complicated presence of Christianity in Native lives, and celebrates the relationship between travel, land, and writing.
Glancy was born in 1941 in Kansas City, Missouri, to a Cherokee father and a German/English mother. In Claiming Breath (1992), she describes being “born between two heritages” (4), and this sense of living in-between is especially pervasive in her autobiographical writing.
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Citation: Luckenbill, Rachel. "Diane Glancy". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 16 April 2020 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=14409, accessed 17 January 2025.]