Arngrímur Brandsson was a priest, monk, abbot, skaldic poet and author of hagiographic narratives in fourteenth century Iceland. In

Lárentíus saga

, Arngrímur is said to have shown interest in learning to play the organ in his youth when he was already a trusted church official.

Arngrímur was a priest at the bishopric of Skálholt and served in Oddi in 1334-1341, an important estate of the church in the south of Iceland. In 1341 he became a monk at the Benedictine monastery at Þingeyrar in Húnavatnssýsla, the north of Iceland. He had close relations to the bishop in Hólar Ormur Ásláksson, who was from Norway and took his place as a bishop when he was abroad in 1347-1351. According to annals, he was controversial and often slandered by other priests. Later Arngrímur became an

902 words

Citation: Pálsson, Oddur. "Arngrímur Brandsson". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 09 January 2025 [, accessed 15 January 2025.]

15206 Arngrímur Brandsson 1 Historical context notes are intended to give basic and preliminary information on a topic. In some cases they will be expanded into longer entries as the Literary Encyclopedia evolves.

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