Hákon Hákonarson was the King of Norway who had a huge impact on the development of Icelandic literature in the thirteenth century and added Iceland to his realm just before he died. Hákon was born in the spring of 1204 and ruled Norway from 1217 until his death on 16 December 1263. King Hákon was born in the civil war era of warring kings and factions, and his major achievement was to put an end to these internal conflicts and become sole ruler of Norway, ruling the country longer than any previous historical monarch (discounting legendary monarchs such as King Harold Fairhair). In this he was part of a more general tendency in some other neighbouring thirteenth century monarchs such as Frederick II of Sicily (and Germany), Henry III of England, St Louis IX of France and Fernando…
882 words
Citation: Jakobsson, Ármann. "Hákon Hákonarson". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 12 December 2024 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=15318, accessed 22 January 2025.]