Denis Glover in his heyday had a great love of a good fight (win or lose), elegant typography, high quality writing, sailing, playing with words, humour, role-playing, and select groups of male and female friends. Sometimes referred to by himself and others as “Elizabethan” in his many-sidedness, he was one of the key figures in the emergence in the 1930s-50s of a substantial body of locally published New Zealand literature, as a poet himself, yet equally as a printer and publisher, with the Caxton Press that he established, and other presses, of the poetry and prose of others. J. H. E. Schroder wrote in 1960, “As printer, publisher, critic and poet, Mr Glover has contributed more variously and substantially to literature in New Zealand than any other living man” (cited in Gordon…
2344 words
Citation: Ross, John C.. "Denis Glover". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 12 January 2015 [, accessed 09 February 2025.]