Michel Marc Bouchard was born in the Lac-Saint-Jean village of Saint Coeur-de-Marie, about two hours north of Quebec City, Canada, on 2 February 1958. The experiences of his rural upbringing would figure prominently in his work; his plays rarely stray far from the complex physical, social, psychological and emotional terrain of small-town Québec, and the place, if any, of
l'étrangerin that terrain. In a 2004 interview he recalls, “I was a curious child. I knew I was different from a very young age. I can't say I knew that I was gay, but I was aware that my impulses, my desires, were different … I came from a little town in the 1960s and the way to raise a kid was not with a psychologist's book, but with a strike in the face.” The often-brutal repression of “abnormal”…
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Citation: Duchesne, Scott. "Michel Marc Bouchard". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 20 April 2004 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=5364, accessed 07 September 2024.]