In 1968, a year marked by political upheaval and youthful rebellion in America and Europe, Barbara Frischmuth, a young member of the Forum Stadtpark writers' group in Graz, Austria, published her timely and successful debut novel,
Die Klosterschule[
The Cloister School], protesting oppressive conditions, particularly through manipulation of language, in Catholic boarding schools. In the meantime, her works have established her as a significant contemporary writer, winner of numerous awards, who continues to explore major issues of her time. Although she has reservations about the term “feminist”, Frischmuth's literary explorations of gender issues and of women's experience comprise one of her major achievements. Intriguing stories are typically woven into larger cultural contexts…
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Citation: Saur, Pamela S.. "Barbara Frischmuth". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 09 August 2004; last revised 05 July 2019. [, accessed 15 February 2025.]