A lexicon of the vocabulary (
ususauctoris) of the Attic orators, usually designated by scholars as Lexicon VBekker 2 or Lexicon V2 (Wentzel 1895: 483; Tolkiehn 1925: cols. 2476; 2478 source 2; Erbse 1950: 62). The exact identity of the compiler and the date of the lexicon itself are unknown. The very old material of the lexicon (which in many cases emanates from lost Attic rhetorical texts) and its Atticist underlying ideology (since its use could also assist the imitation of the particular
usus auctorisof classical orators) raise the legitimate suspicion that its date could well be placed in the Roman imperial period or the later Antiquity (2nd-5th century AD).
At the moment, the sources of Lexicon VBekker 2 are a riddle; it is also not quite clear whether older grammarians were the
904 words
Citation: Papanikolaou, Dimitrios. "Lexicon VBekker 2". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 23 October 2018 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/stopics.php?rec=true&UID=19541, accessed 06 October 2024.]