Published in 1957, Calvino’s utopian novel
Il Barone rampante[
The Baron in the Trees] is part of a trilogy,
I nostri antenati[
Our Ancestors], that occupied its author from 1952, date of the publication of
TheCloven Viscount[
Il visconte dimezzato], to 1959, when
The Inexistent Knight[
Il cavaliere inesistente] arrived in bookstores. With this ‘heraldic trilogy’ planned by the author himself as a narrative unity, Calvino aimed to reflect on the reality of contemporary society, and particularly on the condition of the individual in the twentieth century. However, as he stated in a “Note” to the 1980 English translation of the work by Archibald Colquhoun and later in
Visibility, one of the five Norton lectures published posthumously in the
Lezioni americane[
Six Memos for4233 words
Citation: Wright, Simona. "Il Barone rampante". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 01 August 2019 [, accessed 18 February 2025.]