The Old English prose text
Apollonius of Tyreis a translation from Latin into the vernacular of a tale of romance that was widely known in the Middle Ages and later. It is a tale of love and adventure, set in the pagan mediterranean world of classical antiquity, with exciting episodes involving shipwreck, piracy, separation and reunion, and supernatural intervention. As such,
Apollonius of Tyreconforms closely to the conventions of the popular genre of Greek romance, which developed in the late classical period. It is not known whether
Apolloniusitself was originally written in Greek, since early texts of the romance are known only in Latin, but whether composed originally in Greek or Latin,
Apolloniusamply demonstrates the hallmarks of romance, and it provided diverting entertainment…
630 words
Citation: Magennis, Hugh. "The Old English Apollonius of Tyre". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 30 April 2003 [, accessed 15 February 2025.]