Old English Martyrologyis a collection of brief accounts of the lives of saints, arranged chronologically according to the
temporale(calendar of non-moveable feastdays, beginning on 25 December), and also including entries for some feasts other than saints’ days (e.g. the Epiphany, the Seven Days of the Creation, Christ’s Descent into Hell, and the Ascension); included as well are references to the endings and beginnings of months. The notices range in length from names only, or a couple of short sentences, to about 400 words. Although the
Old English Martyrologysurvives only in a number of fragmentary witnesses (there is no complete manuscript), the vast majority of the collection has come down to us. The extant text consists of 238 entries, with one significant gap, covering…
634 words
Citation: Magennis, Hugh. "Old English Martyrology". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 30 April 2003; last revised 12 November 2019. [, accessed 15 February 2025.]