Phormiowas originally produced during the Roman Games (
Ludi Romani) of 161 BC and is the only Terentian play not entitled after its Greek model,
Epidicazomenos(the Claimant) of Apollodorus from Carystos.
The plot
The plot
Demipho and Chremes, two well-to-do Athenians, make a journey to Cilicia and Lemnos respectively, entrusting the custody of their young sons, Antipho and Phaedria, to the slave Geta. During their fathers’ absence both young men fall in love: Antipho becomes infatuated with Phanium, a penniless orphan, whereas Phaedria falls for a music girl, owned by the pimp Dorio. Taking advantage of the epikleros law, Phormio, a parasite, helps Antipho by claiming that the latter is Phanium’s next of kin and thus, when brought to court, Antipho is obliged to marry
2810 words
Citation: Karakasis, Evangelos. "Phormio". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 01 August 2011 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/sworks.php?rec=true&UID=13477, accessed 13 December 2024.]