As several reviewers have noted,
Middle Ageseems to be a reworking of the basic subject matter of
American Appetites(1989). Both novels are set in affluent communities in the lower Hudson River valley, and both focus on social circles that are convulsed by an unexpected death. In
American Appetites, a woman dies when her husband accidently shoves her through a window and she falls to her death on a patio below it. The impact of this tragedy is extended and compounded by the decision to charge the husband with murder, a decision that is at least in part politically motivated. In
Middle Age, the death is more clearly accidental. When a boat capsizes, Adam Berendt attempts to save a girl from drowning but, in the process, suffers a fatal heart attack and, as if for extra measure, a…
6788 words
Citation: Kich, Martin. "Middle Age: A Romance". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 08 September 2024 [, accessed 15 February 2025.]