In 1954, one year after the publication of his first novel,
Tiro al piccione(
The Day of the Lion), Giose Rimanelli released his second narrative,
Peccato originale(
Original Sin). Although the two novels appear to be completely different, there is a striking similarity between them: each deals with a dreadful period in time for the Italian peninsula of the modern era. In his review of the original English translation of the latter book for the
New York Times, Max White stated that “Those who read
The Day of the Lionwill discover in the new book the same relentless probity in depiction of Italian village life Rimanelli displayed in his earlier picture of military establishment under Mussolini.”
Whereas Tiro al piccione handles the eighteen-month duration of the Italian Civil War
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Citation: Postman, Sheryl Lynn. "Peccato originale". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 03 July 2015 [, accessed 18 February 2025.]