(“On the Shortness of Life” and DBV thereafter) is the ninth of Seneca’s twelve books that have been transmitted under the name of
dialogiby the
Codex Ambrosianus. This manuscript in Beneventan script was produced in Cassino after 1075 CE and derives from an
exemplarof late antiquity, possibly also originating in southern Italy.
The addressee of DBV is mentioned right at the beginning of the dialogue (1.1) with the vocative Pauline. The man has been identified as the eques Pompeius Paulinus of Arles, father of Pompeia Paulina, Seneca’s wife (Tacitus, Ann. 15.60.4 and Seneca, Ep. 104.1.2), and of a younger Pompeius Paulinus who had served as consular legate in Lower Germany (Tacitus, Ann. 13.53.2 and Pliny, N.H. 33.143) and had also been part, as
2594 words
Citation: Gazzarri, Tommaso. "De Brevitate Vitae". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 26 October 2015 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/sworks.php?rec=true&UID=35683, accessed 14 February 2025.]