is a Middle English romance written in twelve-line stanzas and preserved in two fifteenth-century manuscripts: Edinburgh, National Library of Scotland MS Advocates 19.3.1, fols. 68r-84r and Princeton, Robert R. Taylor Collection, Princeton University Libraries, Taylor MS 9 (Ireland Blackburn), fols. 16r-34v. Both versions are acephalous and the romance itself probably dates from the late fourteenth century. The tale contains a curious mixture of themes and messages which has prevented it from being easily categorised as a particular romance “type”. While there are religious and magical elements to the story, the majority of the tale at first glance appears to be concerned with materialism. Sir Amadace has not been careful with his money and later a financial arrangement is…
1983 words
Citation: McKinstry, Jamie. "Sir Amadace". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 08 June 2018 [, accessed 06 February 2025.]