is an anonymous Middle English verse romance that survives in three printed copies, produced between 1515 and 1530. All three copies are fragmentary, and the romance as we know it is incomplete, lacking the ending, though, according to its editor, Stephen E. Shepherd, the final stanza suggests that the ending is close. The three surviving fragments belong to separate editions by Wynkyn de Worde, dated to 1515 (London, British Library incunable C. 71. C26, Short Title Catalogue (STC) no. 14649; this is the longest extant fragment, ll. 1-579; 10 leaves), 1527 (BL C. 40 m.9(18), STC no. 14649.5, ll. 161-397; two leaves), and 1530 (Oxford, Bodleian Library Douce fragment f. 5, 14650, ll. 161-397; four leaves). The surviving fragment of de Worde’s 1530 edition is introduced with…
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Citation: Ropa, Anastasija. "Capystranus". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 16 January 2018 [, accessed 14 February 2025.]