Giacoma Limentani’s
Trilogia(2013) contains three parts, each of which had previously been published as an independent text:
In contumacia[
In absentia] (1967),
Dentro la D[
Within the D] (1992), and
La spirale della tigre[
The Tiger’s Spiral] (2003). Although some minor details vary, these three texts have the same first-person narrator and tell different aspects of the same story: twelve-year-old Mina, left alone one afternoon of September 1938 with a sick grandmother in her family apartment in Rome, is raped by Fascist thugs and struggles for years to cope with this traumatic experience and its aftermath. The Fascists rape the girl mainly to show their power. Mina’s Jewish family embodies key liberal values: “individualismo, intolleranza di qualsiasi imposizione, rivolta agli…
1579 words
Citation: Parisi, Luciano. "Trilogia". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 12 January 2018 [, accessed 18 February 2025.]