Anonymous, Guðbrandsbiblía [The Guðbrand Bible]

Ármann Jakobsson (University of Iceland)
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[The Guðbrand Bible], with the full title

Biblia þad er Øll heilog ritning, vtlögd a norrænu. Med formalum doct. Martini Lutheri. Prentad a Holum/Af Jone Jons Syne

, was the first translation of the entire Bible into Icelandic, published by 1584 by Guðbrandur Þorláksson, the second Lutheran bishop of Hólar (1541–1627), and traditionally named for him. The bible is the seventeenth edition of the entire Bible in the world and has garnered great fame in Iceland.

Guðbrandur Þorláksson was a pioneer of Icelandic printing and the Bible was only one of his major publication achievements, although the principal one. Preparations of the publication had begun in 1579, in which year Guðbrandur was granted license by the king of Denmark to print the Bible. Five hundred

743 words

Citation: Jakobsson, Ármann. "Guðbrandsbiblía". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 31 December 2024 [, accessed 22 January 2025.]

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