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Name   Institution
Hoyer , Jennifer Show Articles Arkansas
Ricker-Abderhalden , Judith Show Articles Arkansas
Wood , Kelsey Show Articles Arkansas (Little Rock)
Clausen , Jeanette Show Articles Arkansas (Little Rock)
Parins , James W. Show Articles Arkansas (Little Rock)
Seymour , Nicole Show Articles Arkansas (Little Rock)
Bryan , Richard Show Articles Armstrong
Parsons , Katelin Show Articles Árna Magnússon Foundation
Þorsteinsdóttir , Rósa Show Articles Árna Magnússon Foundation
Komporaly , Jozefina Show Articles Arts (London)
Waterman , Jayne Show Articles Ashland University
Skotheim , Mali   Ashoka
Bera , Malay   Ashoka
Garcia , Brian Show Articles Assumption (USA)
Sudlow , Brian John Show Articles Aston
Thompson , Veronica   Athabasca
Tirven-Gadum , Vina Show Articles Athabasca
Sakelliou , Evangelia Show Articles Athens (NKUA)
Michalopoulos , Andreas Show Articles Athens (NKUA)
Papaioannou , Sophia Show Articles Athens (NKUA)

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