Forthcoming Articles
If you are a university teacher, or you are professionally engaged in the cultural industries, our extensive team of scholarly editors welcomes offers to contribute profiles of major and minor works that have achieved cultural prominence. We also publish biographies of literary figures, philosophers and other important cultural figures, and historical essays on important cultural topics and movements. Please write to
Title | Contributor | Date | Section |
20th and 21st Century Young Adult Fantasy | Saffyre Falkenberg, Texas Christian University | 31-03-2024 | Context |
The Kindness of Enemies 2015 | Laura Scott, University of Glasgow | 24-01-2025 | Works |
Alexakis, Vassilis | Marianne Bessy, Furman University | 31-07-2025 | People |
Alexander the Great | Guendalina Daniela Maria Taietti, University of Liverpool | 31-03-2025 | People |
Angot, Christine | Hannie Lawlor | 30-09-2024 | People |
Albina Prologue (Brut) 1200 | Madelaine Smart, University of Liverpool | 30-06-2025 | Works |
Ectors saga og kappa hans 1300 | Miguel Andrade | 20-05-2025 | Works |
Gylfaginning 1200 | Jan Alexander van Nahl, University of Iceland | 30-04-2025 | Works |
Helga þáttr Þórissonar 1380 | Piergiorgio Consagra, University of Iceland | 20-05-2025 | Works |
Norna-Gests þáttr 1300 | Piergiorgio Consagra, University of Iceland | 20-05-2025 | Works |
Sigurðar saga þögla 1300 | Miguel Andrade | 20-05-2025 | Works |
Skáldskaparmál (Edda) 1200 | Jan Alexander van Nahl, University of Iceland | 30-04-2025 | Works |
The Icelandic Physiologus 1300 | Miguel Andrade | 20-05-2025 | Works |
Tóka þáttr Tókasonar 1300 | Piergiorgio Consagra, University of Iceland | 20-05-2025 | Works |
Acharnians -425 | Holly Hunt, University of Oxford | 31-03-2025 | Works |
The Frogs -405 | Holly Hunt, University of Oxford | 31-03-2025 | Works |
The Knights -424 | Holly Hunt, University of Oxford | 31-03-2025 | Works |
Australian Environmental Writing | Jessica White, University of South Australia | 28-02-2025 | Context |
The Golden Dream 1861 | Dayna Verhey, University of North Carolina, Charlotte | 30-06-2024 | Works |
Barry, Kevin | Aran Ward Sell, University of Edinburgh | 30-04-2025 | People |
City of Bohane 2011 | Martyn Colebrook, University of Hull | 29-04-2021 | Works |
Beardsley, Aubrey Vincent | Jon Michael Varese | 28-02-2025 | People |
Krapp's Last Tape 1958 | Calum Weir, University of Glasgow | 17-03-2025 | Works |
Boehme, Jacob | Albrecht Classen, University of Arizona | 28-02-2025 | People |
The Shuttle 1907 | Angelika Zirker, Eberhard-Karls Universitat Tübingen | 28-02-2025 | Works |
Diary and Letters, 1778-1840 1840 | Francesca Saggini, Università degli Studi della Tuscia | 31-05-2025 | Works |
Burying the Dead in 18th-Century Paris | Erin-Marie Legacey, Texas Tech University | 01-04-2021 | Context |
Canadian Utopian and Dystopian Fiction | Allan Weiss, York University | 03-03-2025 | Context |
Cendrars, Blaise | Eric Robertson, University of London: Senate House; affiliates | 28-02-2025 | People |
The Perks of Being a Wallflower 1999 | Nithin Varghese | 30-06-2025 | Works |
No telephone to Heaven 1987 | Mala Pandurang, BMN College, Mumbai | 01-07-2025 | Works |
Da Ponte, Lorenzo | Paolo Scartoni | 31-03-2025 | People |
The Complete English Gentleman 1728 | Nicholas Seager, University of Keele | 30-04-2025 | Works |
Delaume, Chloé | Dawn Cornelio | 31-10-2024 | People |
Deleuze, Gilles | Gary Genosko | 06-11-2022 | People |
di Marco, Giulia | Nicla Riverso, University of Washington | 30-04-2025 | People |
Diagileva, Ianka (Iana) | Yngvar Steinholt, UiT - The Arctic University of Norway | 15-02-2025 | People |
Dias, Willy | Cristina Gragnani, Temple University | 30-06-2025 | People |
Dragons in Icelandic literature | Miguel Andrade | 20-05-2025 | Context |
Eagleton, Terry | Joseph Williams, University of East Anglia | 01-04-2025 | People |
"A Half Caste" 1889 | Asha Nadkarni, University of Massachusetts Amherst | 01-07-2025 | Works |
A State of Siege 1966 | Emma Parker, University of Bristol | 30-06-2025 | Works |
The Rainbirds 1968 | Emma Parker, University of Bristol | 30-06-2025 | Works |
French Perspectives on Spain across the Eighteenth Century | Edward Corredera | 30-06-2022 | Context |
De Atra Bile [On Black bile] 129 | Edith Karina Mendez Sandoval, Université de Paris IV Sorbonne | 15-05-2025 | Works |
My Son's Story 1990 | Mala Pandurang, BMN College, Mumbai | 31-05-2025 | Works |
The Beth Book 1897 | Shantanu Majee, Other | 30-06-2025 | Works |
Silverpoints 1893 | Lewis Whitaker | 31-03-2025 | Works |
‘Dublin-Poughkeepsie: Bread Knife in Exile’ 2012 | Derek Coyle, Carlow College | 30-06-2025 | Works |
Chetyre dnia [Four Days] 1936 | Robert Chandler, Queen Mary, University of London | 15-04-2025 | Works |
Narod bessmerten [The People Are Immortal] 1942 | Julia Volohova | 15-02-2025 | Works |
Sælir eru einfaldir 1920 | Elliott Brandsma | 01-05-2025 | Works |
Guène, Faïza | Laura Kennedy, University College Cork | 30-06-2025 | People |
Adam's Breed 1926 | Steven Macnamara, Independent Scholar - Europe | 28-05-2025 | Works |
Gunnarshólmi 1838 | Þórir Óskarsson, University of Iceland | 20-05-2025 | Works |
V 1985 | Graham MacPhee, University of Manchester | 30-04-2025 | Works |
Haskins, James | Annelisa J. Purdie, Independent Scholar - North America | 31-01-2025 | People |
Havergal, Frances Ridley | Eslyn Blaize, Independent Scholar - Europe | 31-03-2025 | People |
The Parrot. With a Compendium of the Times. By the Authors of the Female Spectator 1746 | Adam James Smith, York St John University | 28-02-2025 | Works |
Mercian Hymns 1971 | Diarmid Sullivan, University of Glasgow | 10-03-2025 | Works |
Hines Page, Walter | Jonathan Daigle, University of Hartford | 31-01-2025 | People |
Green Mansions 1904 | Lesley Wylie, The University of Leicester | 02-06-2025 | Works |
Humour (types thereof) | Holly Hunt, University of Oxford | 30-06-2025 | Context |
Hussein, Aamer | Muneeza Shamsie, Independent Scholar - Asia | 01-09-2024 | People |
Rosmersholm 1886 | Elsa Kienberger, Goldsmiths College, University of London | 30-06-2025 | Works |
Icelandic Romanticism | Þórir Óskarsson, University of Iceland | 20-05-2025 | Context |
Intermodernism | Kristin Bluemel, Monmouth University | 28-04-2025 | Context |
Italian giallo films | Luca Prono, Universita degli Studi di Bologna | 28-02-2025 | Context |
Jargon | Joshua Werrett, University of Oxford | 31-03-2025 | Context |
Jensen, Liz | Helene Mundler, L'Université Paris-Est Créteil | 31-12-2022 | People |
Kapnist, Vasilii | Cooper Lynn, University of California, Los Angeles | 07-07-2025 | People |
The Adoption Papers 1991 | Sourit Bhattacharya, University of Edinburgh | 31-05-2025 | Works |
Kelly, Maeve | Simon Workman | 31-03-2025 | People |
De Imitatione Christi [On the Imitation of Christ] 1420 | Albrecht Classen, University of Arizona | 30-04-2025 | Works |
East is East 1996 | Sonia Irum, International Islamic University Islamabad (Pakistan) | 04-02-2024 | Works |
The Geometry of God 2009 | Nusrat Khawaja, Independent Scholar - Asia | 30-04-2024 | Works |
Kharibi, Abdelkebir | Alison Rice, University of Notre Dame | 30-04-2025 | People |
Kunstsprache (Homer) | Thomas McConnell, University of Oxford | 30-04-2025 | Context |
Wrinkle in Time 1962 | Alkisti Kallinikou, University of Edinburgh | 28-02-2025 | Works |
Labatut, Benjamín | Thomas Nulley-Valdés, Australian National University | 30-06-2025 | People |
The Romance of a Shop 1888 | Roslyn K. Fleming | 28-02-2025 | Works |
Voyage of the Sable Venus 2015 | Gül Bilge Han, Other | 31-05-2025 | Works |
Lodge, David | Merritt Moseley, University of North Carolina, Asheville | 15-04-2025 | People |
Lonzi, Carla | Sara Colantuono, Brown University | 30-06-2025 | People |
Lyubka, Andriy Stepanovich | Vitaly Chernetsky, University of Kansas | 01-04-2025 | People |
Adela Cathcart 1864 | Amanda Vernon, Eberhard-Karls Universitat Tübingen | 30-04-2025 | Works |
The House I Live In 1945 | Patrick Chura, University of Akron | 22-02-2025 | Works |
I promessi sposi [The Betrothed] 1821 | Enrico Vettore, California State University, Long Beach | 30-06-2025 | Works |
Maritain, Jacques | Éamonn Gaines | 04-06-2021 | People |
McBride, James | LynnDianne Beene, University of New Mexico | 01-08-2025 | People |
Solar Bones 2016 | Aran Ward Sell, University of Edinburgh | 30-04-2025 | Works |
McGahern, John | Liam Harte, University of Manchester | 28-02-2025 | People |
McKay, Don | Travis Mason | 02-09-2022 | People |
Mendoza, Eduardo | José Saval, University of Edinburgh | 31-03-2025 | People |
Millu, Liana | Giuliano Migliori, Ohio University | 15-04-2025 | People |
Monterroso, Augusto | Will H. Corral, Academia Ecuatoriana de la Lengua | 30-06-2025 | People |
Monteverdi, Claudio | Mauro Calcagno, University of Pennsylvania | 31-05-2025 | People |
Imagined Corners 1890 | Emily L. Pickard | 28-02-2025 | Works |
Murphy, Tom | Moonyoung Hong, University of Hong Kong | 31-05-2025 | People |
Mussato, Albertino | Simona Lorenzini, Yale University | 31-05-2025 | People |
Muñoz Ryan, Pam | Heather K. Cyr, Kwantlen University College | 31-05-2025 | People |
Letters to Véra 2014 | Barbara Wyllie, University College London | 01-05-2025 | Works |
Naheed, Kishwar | Rukhsana Ahmad, Independent Scholar - Asia | 31-08-2024 | People |
Niazi, Zamir | Raheen Fatimah Khan, Université de La Rochelle | 15-07-2024 | People |
O'Brien, Edna | Maureen O'Connor, University College Cork | 28-02-2025 | People |
of Turov, Cyril | Ekaterina Rogatchevskaia, The British Library | 16-06-2025 | People |
Oloixarac, Pola | Antonio Villaruel | 30-06-2025 | People |
Peri Rossi, Cristina | Emma Staniland | 31-05-2025 | People |
Plath, Sylvia | Dorka Tamas, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen | 30-04-2025 | People |
Popo and Fifina | Patrick Chura, University of Akron | 02-03-2025 | Context |
Potter, Beatrix | Kristin Bluemel, Monmouth University | 28-05-2025 | People |
Ramondino, Fabrizia | Rossella Di Rosa, University of Pennsylvania | 31-05-2025 | People |
Riaz, Fahmida | Aquila Ismail | 30-11-2024 | People |
Roman comedy: contexts, concepts, and developments | Alex Mazzanti Júnior | 30-04-2025 | Context |
Rooney, Sally | Orlaith Darling, Trinity College Dublin | 31-03-2025 | People |
Unto this Last 1860 | Alicia McCartney, Cedarville College | 02-06-2025 | Works |
Satyajit Ray’s Speculative Fiction: an Introductory Overview | Debaditya Mukhopadhyay | 21-04-2025 | Context |
Sauda, Mirza Mohammed Rafi | Saif Mahmood, Independent Scholar - Asia | 31-03-2025 | People |
Lincoln in the Bardo 2017 | Merritt Moseley, University of North Carolina, Asheville | 31-03-2025 | Works |
Schlesser, Thomas | Simona Catrinel Avarvarei, Iasi University of Life Sciences, Romania | 31-12-2024 | People |
Best of Friends 2022 | Peter Morey, University of Birmingham | 30-04-2025 | Works |
Sigfússon, Sæmundur fróði | Miguel Andrade | 20-05-2025 | People |
The Tree of Heaven 1917 | Wim Van Mierlo, University of Loughborough | 03-03-2025 | Works |
Sinha, Shumona | Alison Rice, University of Notre Dame | 28-02-2025 | People |
Kidnapped 1886 | Madeline Gangnes, University of Scranton | 01-05-2025 | Works |
Storni, Alfonsina | Yomaira Herreño Contreras, University of Auckland | 28-02-2025 | People |
An Excellent New Ballad: or, The True English Dean to be Hang’d for a Rape 1730 | Pat Rogers, University of South Florida | 23-02-2024 | Works |
Tadjo, Véronique | Alison Rice, University of Notre Dame | 31-03-2025 | People |
Poems Chiefly Lyrical 1830 | Sara Yahya Hamed, University of Edinburgh | 01-10-2024 | Works |
The Progressive Writers Movement | Raza Naeem | 28-02-2025 | Context |
The Walt Disney Company | Sabrina Mittermeier, Universitat Gesamthochschule Kassel | 31-03-2025 | Context |
Thompson, Flora Jane | Kristin Bluemel, Monmouth University | 28-04-2025 | People |
Trausti, Jón | Jón Yngvi Jóhannsson | 20-05-2025 | People |
Turner, Brian Lindsay | John C. Ross, Massey University | 28-02-2025 | People |
Tóibín, Colm | José Carregal Romero, Universidad de Huelva | 28-02-2025 | People |
U.S. Children's Periodicals | Lorinda B. Cohoon, University of Memphis | 28-02-2025 | Context |
In the Beauty of the Lilies 1996 | Laurence Mazzeno, Alvernia College | 06-01-2025 | Works |
The Centaur 1963 | Biljana Dojčinović, University of Belgrade | 15-05-2024 | Works |
Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal? 2012 | LynnDianne Beene, University of New Mexico | 31-05-2025 | Works |
Deirdre 1906 | Wim Van Mierlo, University of Loughborough | 30-03-2025 | Works |
Yumemakura, Baku | Amy Lee, The Open University | 31-08-2021 | People |
Zalamea, Jorge | Flavia Seferi, University of Otago | 15-01-2025 | People |
Zambra, Alejandro | Will H. Corral, Academia Ecuatoriana de la Lengua | 15-03-2025 | People |
Zhadan, Serhiy Viktorovych | Vitaly Chernetsky, University of Kansas | 30-06-2025 | People |