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Name   Institution
Baldi , Andrea Show Articles Rutgers
Baldick , Chris Show Articles Goldsmiths, UL
Baldwin Davis , Marlene Show Articles William and Mary
Balint-Babos , Adina Show Articles Winnipeg
Ball , Anna Show Articles Nottingham Trent
Ball , David M. Show Articles Dickinson
Balla , Chloe Show Articles Crete
Bally , Marion Show Articles Rennes II
Balzano , Wanda Show Articles Wake Forest
Bamford , Kiff Show Articles Leeds Beckett
Bampi , Massimiliano  
Banauch , Eugen Show Articles Vienna
Banco , Lindsey Michael Show Articles Saskatchewan
Bancroft , Victoria Show Articles Independent Scholar - Europe
Banerjee , Suparna Show Articles Independent Scholar - Asia
Banham , Debby Show Articles Cambridge
Bannerjee , Rohini Show Articles Saint Mary's University
Barazangi , Nimat Hafez Show Articles Cornell University
Barber , Malcolm C. Show Articles Reading
Barda , Jeff   Cambridge

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