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Barfield , Steve Show Articles University of Human Development, Iraq
Barker , Clare Show Articles Leeds
Barker , Jill Show Articles Northampton
Barkley , Danielle Show Articles McGill
Barlow , Judith Ellen Show Articles SUNY (Albany)
Barnes , Charlotte   Newman (Birmingham)
Barnes , Emma Show Articles Salford
Barnett , Jenny Davis Show Articles Queensland
Barnett , Louise Show Articles Rutgers
Barnsley , Sarah Show Articles Goldsmiths, UL
Barnsley , Veronica Show Articles Sheffield
Barr , Charles Show Articles St. Mary's College
Barrett , Susan   Bordeaux III
Barrick , David Show Articles Western Ontario
Barrington , Candace Show Articles Central Connecticut
Barron , Jonathan N. Show Articles Southern Mississippi
Barry , Elizabeth Show Articles Warwick
Barsby , John Show Articles Otago
Barsella , Susanna Show Articles Fordham
Bartalesi-Graf , Daniela Show Articles Wellesley

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