Articles by Ian Gordon

1264626 views of this contributor's works.
Article Publication Date Page Views
Apologue 2006-12-28 5912
Concordia discors 2007-01-26 41599
Denham, John 2007-06-13 5907
Denham, John. Cooper's Hill 1642 2007-04-16 5470
Dodsley, Robert 2005-11-05 6910
Dodsley, Robert. A Collection of Poems by Several Hands 1748 2006-06-23 3618
Dodsley, Robert. A Select Collection of Old Plays 1744 2005-12-14 3612
Dodsley, Robert. Cleone 1758 2006-01-18 4770
Dodsley, Robert. Melpomene or The Regions of Terror and Pity An Ode 1757 2005-12-13 2772
Dodsley, Robert. Select Fables of Aesop and Other Fabulists 1761 2006-11-15 2532
Dodsley, Robert. The King and the Miller of Mansfield 1737 2005-12-05 4979
Dodsley, Robert. The Muse in Livery: A Collection of Poems 1732 2006-10-17 3529
Dodsley, Robert. The Museum: Or, The Literary and Historical Register 1746 2008-04-23 2838
Dodsley, Robert. The Oeconomy of Human Life 1750 2005-12-13 4425
Dodsley, Robert. The Publick Register: Or, The Weekly Magazine 1741 2008-04-23 2697
Dodsley, Robert. The Toy-Shop 1975 2005-12-14 9246
Dodsley, Robert. The World 1753 2008-04-23 2533
Fable 2006-12-28 11063
Gay, John 2003-06-22 12237
Gay, John. Dione: A Pastoral Tragedy 1720 2005-02-09 6721
Gay, John. Fables 1727 2004-11-02 8633
Gay, John. Poems on Several Occasions 1720 2005-01-17 4199
Gay, John. Polly: An Opera. Being the Second Part of The Beggar's Opera 1729 2004-02-19 8132
Gay, John. Rural Sports 1713 2004-03-15 8344
Gay, John. The Beggar's Opera 1728 2004-02-04 17463
Gay, John. The Fan 1713 2004-04-19 8451
Gay, John. The Shepherd's Week 1714 2004-05-11 9754
Gay, John. The What D'Ye Call It 1715 2004-02-05 9390
Gay, John. Three Hours After Marriage 1717 2003-06-30 10145
Gay, John. Trivia 1716 2004-07-20 9300
Gay, John. Wine 1708 2004-03-02 6163
Hogarth, William 2002-10-25 20536
Hogarth, William. A Harlot's Progress 1732 2003-07-19 20868
Hogarth, William. A Rake's Progress 1735 2003-07-19 45859
Hogarth, William. Beer Street and Gin Lane 1751 2003-09-18 21042
Hogarth, William. Four Prints of an Election 1755 2003-11-26 8669
Hogarth, William. Industry and Idleness 1747 2004-06-01 10133
Hogarth, William. Marriage A-la-Mode 1745 2003-08-02 36969
Hogarth, William. Tailpiece, or The Bathos 1764 2003-12-02 9235
Hogarth, William. The Four Stages of Cruelty 1750 2003-11-05 14834
Hogarth, William. The Four Times of Day and Strolling Actresses dressing in a Barn 1738 2003-07-19 12646
Hogarth, William. The March to Finchley 1750 2003-10-01 18372
Neo-Classicism, Neoclassicism 2005-04-11 46407
Pope, Alexander 2002-03-03 42679
Pope, Alexander. An Epistle to a Lady 1735 2002-01-24 43041
Pope, Alexander. An Epistle to Bathurst 1733 2002-01-24 16920
Pope, Alexander. An Epistle to Burlington 1731 2002-01-24 39202
Pope, Alexander. An Epistle to Cobham 1734 2002-01-24 12466
Pope, Alexander. An Epistle to Dr Arbuthnot 1735 2001-03-30 42882
Pope, Alexander. An Essay on Man 1733 2002-03-13 46056
Pope, Alexander. Dunciad 1728 2002-06-30 27029
Pope, Alexander. Elegy to the Memory of an Unfortunate Lady 1717 2002-01-24 19529
Pope, Alexander. Eloisa to Abelard 1717 2002-01-24 46204
Pope, Alexander. Epilogue to the Satires: Dialogues I & II 1738 2002-03-21 14274
Pope, Alexander. Essay on Criticism 1711 2002-03-21 49619
Pope, Alexander. Imitations of Horace 1733 2002-03-21 16673
Pope, Alexander. Moral Essays 1735 2002-01-24 18431
Pope, Alexander. Pastorals 1709 2003-03-11 39182
Pope, Alexander. Peri Bathous, or the Art of Sinking in Poetry 1727 2003-03-11 19782
Pope, Alexander. The Rape of the Lock 1712 2001-03-08 86498
Pope, Alexander. The Works of William Shakespeare 1725 2002-03-21 14484
Pope, Alexander. Windsor Forest 1713 2002-01-24 42048
Satire 2002-11-01 44829
Stevenson, Anne 2010-09-06 4451
Stevenson, Anne. A Report from the Border: New and Rescued Poems 2002 2011-12-07 2163
Stevenson, Anne. Astonishment 2012 2012-11-01 1992
Stevenson, Anne. Black Grate Poems 1984 2011-03-23 2234
Stevenson, Anne. Correspondences: a Family History in Letters 1974 2011-02-03 2991
Stevenson, Anne. Enough of Green 1977 2011-02-23 2122
Stevenson, Anne. Four and a Half Dancing Men 1993 2011-08-15 2249
Stevenson, Anne. Granny Scarecrow 2000 2011-10-31 2299
Stevenson, Anne. Living in America 1965 2010-11-09 2464
Stevenson, Anne. Minute by Glass Minute 1982 2011-02-25 2280
Stevenson, Anne. Poems 1955-2005 2005 2012-03-07 2103
Stevenson, Anne. Reversals 1969 2010-12-07 2304
Stevenson, Anne. Selected Poems 1956-1986 1987 2011-04-29 1928
Stevenson, Anne. Stone Milk 2007 2012-03-12 2044
Stevenson, Anne. The Collected Poems of Anne Stevenson 1955-1995 1996 2011-09-12 2644
Stevenson, Anne. The Fiction-makers 1985 2011-04-07 2255
Stevenson, Anne. The Other House 1990 2011-07-22 2237
Stevenson, Anne. Travelling Behind Glass: Selected Poems 1963-1973 1974 2011-01-18 2428
Stevenson, Anne. Winter Time 1986 2011-04-14 2008
The Annual Register 2008-07-05 2842
The London Chronicle: Or, Universal Evening Post 2008-07-08 3108
Thomas, R. S. 2002-03-21 22738

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