Articles by Dirk Van Hulle

158826 views of this contributor's works.
Article Publication Date Page Views
Beckett, Samuel. Company 1979 2004-09-17 13425
Beckett, Samuel. Ill Seen Ill Said 1982 2004-09-30 8629
Beckett, Samuel. Mal vu mal dit 1981 2004-10-04 5910
Beckett, Samuel. Sans 1969 2004-03-01 11859
Beckett, Samuel. Stirrings Still 1988 2002-12-18 11662
Beckett, Samuel. Worstward Ho 1984 2004-10-04 21677
Joyce, James 2002-03-21 34921
Joyce, James. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man 1914 2002-10-25 24424
Joyce, James. Finnegans Wake 1939 2002-10-25 26319

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