Articles by Rebekah Owens

112437 views of this contributor's works.
Article Publication Date Page Views
Anonymous. Ur-Hamlet 1587 2008-02-25 5284
Boas, Frederick Samuel 2014-08-18 5966
Bradley, A. C. 2014-04-28 7254
Chambers, Edmund 2014-07-01 4328
Granville-Barker, Harley 2014-05-12 4308
Greg, Walter Wilson 2014-03-20 10001
Halliwell, James 2014-10-21 6998
Kyd, Thomas 2008-01-30 9837
Kyd, Thomas. Cornelia 1594 2009-04-15 7792
Kyd, Thomas. Soliman and Perseda 1592 2009-04-15 8433
Kyd, Thomas. The Householder’s Philosophy 1588 2009-04-15 5158
Kyd, Thomas. The Spanish Tragedy 1592 2008-08-13 5655
Lee, Sidney 2014-03-20 4554
Malone, Edmond 2016-04-24 4267
McKerrow, Ronald Brunlees 2014-09-20 4630
Pollard, Alfred William 2014-06-05 3028
Walker, Alice 2016-01-30 1434
Wilson, John Dover 2014-03-19 7995
Wilson, John Dover. What Happens in Hamlet 1935 2014-04-04 5515

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