Articles by Lucas Paul Richert

844537 views of this contributor's works.
Article Publication Date Page Views
'Chicago 7' found not guilty 2008-11-01 12287
'Iran-Contra' arms revelations 2008-10-01 11282
"Tet Offensive" in Vietnam 2008-10-01 5699
“Live Aid” concert 2008-11-01 4862
200th Anniversary of USA 2008-11-01 2193
25th Amendment ratified 2008-11-01 2183
26th Amendment ratified 2008-11-01 2402
Alan Shepard launched into space 2008-10-01 1941
Alaska admitted to the Union 2007-10-01 1890
Albert Einstein alerts Roosevelt about A-Bomb 2008-11-01 1905
Aldrich Ames found guilty of spying 2008-11-01 2290
Alger Hiss indicted for treason 2008-11-01 2121
Alien and Sedition Acts 2009-02-01 1953
Amelia Earhart goes missing 2008-11-01 2007
American Federation of Labor (AFL) formed 2009-02-01 2300
American Girl Guides created 2008-11-01 2274
American Indians made U.S. Citizens 2008-11-01 3122
American Whig Party 2009-01-20 4891
Amnesty Act 2009-02-01 1956
Apollo 11 Moon landing 2008-10-01 2923
Apple Computer Company established 2008-10-01 2331
Army Air Corps 2008-11-01 1632
Arpanet computer network launched 2008-10-01 1501
Articles of Confederation 2009-02-01 1315
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation established 2008-10-01 1942
Assassination of Martin Luther King 2008-10-01 5339
Assassination of South Vietnamese leader 2008-11-01 3429
AT&T settles with Justice Dept. 2008-11-01 1674
Atlanta Olympics bombed 2008-10-01 1671
Bank of North America 2009-02-01 1700
Banks closed by Roosevelt 2008-11-01 1724
Battle for Nova Scotia 2009-02-01 5035
Battle of Gravelines ends Spanish Armada's hopes of success 2008-11-01 3044
Battle of Long Island 2009-02-01 2935
Battle of Ticonderoga 2009-02-01 3048
Battle of Wounded Knee 2008-02-08 3799
Beatles' First US Tour 2008-10-01 1947
Benedict Arnold found to be a traitor 2009-02-01 2689
Berlin Blockade and Airlift 2008-11-01 1901
Bidlack Treaty (New Granada Treaty) 2008-11-01 4115
Bill Clinton re-elected US President 2008-10-01 1756
Birmingham, Alabama, church bombing kills four 2008-10-01 3630
Black immigration to Africa 2009-02-01 1625
Bomb on Wall Street 2008-11-01 1603
Bonus march 2008-11-01 1697
Boss Tweed found guilty 2009-02-01 3403
Boston Police strike 2008-11-01 1542
Bryan's Cross of Gold Speech 2009-02-01 1955
Burr shoots Hamilton 2009-02-01 1933
Cable News Network launched 2008-10-01 1518
California admitted to the Union 2009-01-20 2237
Captain Bering reaches Alaska 2009-02-01 2531
Carter pardons draft dodgers 2008-11-01 1493
Charles Manson found guilty 2008-11-01 1630
Charleston falls to British 2009-02-01 1397
Civil Rights Bill 2008-11-01 2806
Civil Rights march in Selma, Alabama, attacked by police 2008-10-01 3107
Civil Rights march in Washington, DC; Martin Luther King's ‘I Have A Dream’ speech 2008-10-01 3223
Civil war breaks out in Nicaragua 2008-10-01 1652
Clayton Antitrust Act 2008-11-01 1477
Clinton impeachment fails 2008-11-01 853
Colin Powell named Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff 2008-11-01 1080
Columbine High School shootings 2008-10-01 969
Committee for Industrial Organization (CIO) founded 2008-11-01 1611
Condemnation of Senator McCarthy by US Senate 2008-10-01 1235
Congo PM Patrice Lumumba assassinated in CIA plot 2008-10-01 1306
Congress approves war against North Vietnam 2008-10-01 2622
Congress meets in Philadelphia 2009-02-01 909
Congress overrides Nixon’s veto on Vietnam War 2008-11-01 2950
Constitutional Convention called 2009-02-01 2026
Cornwallis defeated at Princeton 2009-02-01 2653
Coxey march on Washington 2009-02-01 722
Creation of AFL-CIO 2008-11-01 1485
Cuban Missile Crisis 2008-10-01 2566
Dayton Accords: Bosnian, Serb and Croat leaders agree peace 2008-11-01 1102
Death of John F. Kennedy Jr. 2008-11-01 1055
Death of Roosevelt; Truman becomes President 2008-10-01 2228
Detroit and New York City Riots 2008-11-01 1646
Discovery of the human genome 2008-11-01 1462
Dow Jones all-time high 2008-11-01 1194
Dow Jones reaches high 2008-11-01 1020
Dow Jones record high 2008-11-01 1056
Dred Scott Decision 2009-02-01 1984
Drexel Burnham Lambert pay record fine 2008-11-01 943
Earthquake before World Series 2008-11-01 1472
Eisenhower announces aid to France 2008-11-01 942
Elvis Presley dies 2008-10-01 2075
End of Military Draft 2008-11-01 915
Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) fails to achieve ratification 2008-11-01 1622
Era of transcontinental TV begins 2008-11-01 1125
Erie Canal Opens 2009-02-01 1416
Execution of Gary Gilmore 2008-11-01 1716
Execution of Nathan Hale 2009-02-01 2621
Exxon Valdez oil spill 2008-11-01 1612
F.W. Woolworth opens first store 2009-02-01 1047
Failed US attempt to liberate US hostages in Tehran 2008-10-01 2328
Federal Air Traffic Controllers' Strike 2008-11-01 1470
Federal Reserve System established 2008-11-01 1404
Final Allied counter-offensive 2008-11-01 1090
Financial Black Friday 2009-02-01 1074
Financial Panic Begins 2009-02-01 850
First Artificial Heart Transplant 2008-11-01 1144
First atomic submarine 2008-11-01 1443
First black mayors in U.S. 2008-11-01 2436
First black Supreme Court Justice 2008-11-01 2599
First black U.S. Senator since reconstruction 2008-11-01 1526
First black woman elected to Congress 2008-11-01 2747
First Boeing 747 scheduled flight from New York to London 2008-10-01 1812
First Domestic U.S. jet-liner service 2008-11-01 1204
First female member of the House of Representatives 2008-11-01 3059
First female military generals 2008-11-01 2619
First Hydrogen Bomb test 2008-11-01 1423
First LPs produced 2008-10-01 1456
First McDonald's opened 2008-10-01 1250
First Mississippi River Train Crossing 2009-02-01 1297
First nuclear chain reaction 2008-11-01 1325
First nuclear reactor for electricity production opened 2008-10-01 1146
First oil well in U.S. 2009-02-01 1396
First personal computers marketed 2008-10-01 1593
First sound-on-film motion picture 2008-11-01 2032
First sticky stamp 2009-02-01 642
First subscription cable television service (Home Box Office) established 2008-10-01 1284
First telephone exchange opened 2009-02-01 1522
First theatre opens 2009-02-01 803
First transatlantic flight 2008-10-11 1372
First transatlantic telephone cable 2008-11-01 1499
First transcontinental telephone link 2008-10-01 1830
First U.S. newspaper 2009-02-01 1961
First U.S. Postal Card issued 2011-12-20 1558
First US transcontinental flight 2008-10-01 2836
First Use of Anesthetic 2010-01-01 1112
First woman governor of a U.S. State 2008-11-01 1859
First woman in U.S. Cabinet 2008-11-01 1624
First Woman Supreme Court Justice 2008-11-01 1549
First woman to fly across Atlantic 2008-11-01 1665
First Women's College 2009-02-01 2724
Flight of the Kitty Hawk 2008-10-01 8787
Ford Motor Co. raises labor wages 2008-11-01 1312
Ford Motor Company launches the Model T 2008-10-01 3091
Ford Motor Company sets up moving assembly-line mass production 2008-10-01 3295
Forest Reserve Act 2009-02-01 1257
Four anti-war protestors killed by National Guard at Kent State 2008-10-01 2130
France and Spain supply U.S. with arms 2009-02-01 2423
Full-scale bombing of North Vietnam 2008-11-01 2626
Fulton's steamboat trip 2009-02-01 1839
General Agreements on Tariffs and Trades signed 2008-10-01 2000
General Wayne 2009-02-01 2479
George Wallace shot 2008-11-01 1769
Gold discovered in Georgia 2009-02-01 835
Gold Standard dropped 2008-11-01 1529
Great Blizzard 2009-02-01 1169
Great Fire in Chicago 2009-02-01 1462
Gulf War commences 2008-10-01 1370
Harrison wins battle at Tippecanoe 2009-02-01 3089
Hawaii becomes 50th US State 2008-10-01 1228
Highway Act 2008-11-01 2757
Homestead strike 2009-02-01 1391
Hubble Space Telescope launched 2008-10-01 1563
Huey Long assassinated 2008-11-01 1647
Immigration and Naturalization Act 2008-11-01 1574
Immigration quota 2008-11-01 1554
Inaugural Earth Day 2008-11-01 1515
Inaugural Kentucky Derby 2009-02-01 2083
Influenza epidemic 2008-11-01 1401
Integration at University of Mississippi 2008-11-01 2944
Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty signed 2008-10-01 1233
Iran releases US hostages 2008-10-01 2140
Iranian airliner shot down 2008-11-01 1945
Iraq destroy U.S. Navy vessel 2008-11-01 1042
Ivan Boesky pleads guilty 2008-11-01 1150
Jackie Robinson joins Dodgers 2008-11-01 1616
Japanese Internment; War Relocation Authority 2008-11-01 2285
Jefferson's Slavery Ban Proposal 2009-02-01 2949
Jimmy Carter and Leonid Brezhnev sign Salt II treaty to reduce nuclear weapons 2008-10-01 1289
Joe Louis wins Boxing Championship 2008-11-01 1589
John Brown anti-slavery militancy 2009-02-01 1794
John Glenn orbits the earth 2008-10-01 1534
John Lennon murdered 2008-10-01 2118
John Paul Jones sea battle 2009-02-01 2545
Justice Clarence Thomas named to Supreme Court 2008-11-01 1186
Kennedy announces plans to land men on the moon 2008-10-01 1504
Kennedy proclaims 'New Frontier' in American life 2008-10-01 1051
Kenya becomes a republic 2008-11-01 941
Khrushchev visits U.S. 2008-11-01 801
Kissinger begins peace talks with North Vietnamese 2008-10-01 2403
Klaus Fuchs convicted of passing atomic secrets to Russia 2008-10-01 1988
Klu Klux Klan founded 2009-02-01 2331
Knights of Labor established 2009-02-01 1039
Korean Armistice signed 2008-11-01 1176
Land Grants Act 2009-02-01 1590
Legionnaires disease kills 29 2008-11-01 1505
Liberation of Paris 2001-10-20 985
Lieutenant William Calley found guilty of My Lai massacre 2008-10-01 1563
Limitation of Armaments Conference 2008-11-01 900
Lindbergh baby kidnapped 2008-11-01 1106
Lindbergh flies New York-Paris 2008-11-01 1513
Little Rock School-bussing crisis 2008-10-01 2719
Lusitania sunk 2008-10-01 2167
Lyndon Baines Johnson elected to second term as US President 2008-10-01 1495
MacArthur assumes control of Japan 2008-11-01 951
Major power failure in U.S. and Canada 2008-11-01 2005
Malcolm X assassinated 2008-10-01 2650
Marbury v. Madison 2009-02-01 924
Mark McGwire breaks baseball homerun record 2008-11-01 1941
Marshall Plan, The 2008-10-01 2682
Marshall Supreme Court Justice 2009-02-01 757
Martin Luther King day 2008-11-01 1010
Martin Luther King spearheads national campaign to end race discrimination 2008-10-01 3184
McCarthy launches hunt for US Communists 2008-10-01 1731
Medgar Evers assassinated 2008-11-01 2915
Molly Maguires hanging 2009-02-01 1316
Monica Lewinsky agrees to testify to grand jury 2008-11-01 753
Mount St. Helens erupts 2008-10-01 1216
My Lai Massacre 2002-10-08 3751
NAACP founded 2008-11-01 3171
NAFTA goes into effect 2008-11-01 1890
NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) founded 2008-10-01 1544
National Minimum Wage Act 2008-11-01 658
National Organization for Women founded 2008-11-01 2950
Negotiations with Panama over Canal 2008-11-01 928
New England Shoe Worker Strike 2009-02-01 1713
New York World’s Fair 2008-11-01 634
Nixon becomes first US President to step down from office 2008-10-01 1418
Nixon visits the Soviet Union 2008-11-01 1429
North Atlantic Treaty Organization founded 2008-10-01 1636
North Carolina University - first state university 2009-02-01 1125
Nuclear leak at Three Mile Island, Pennsylvania 2008-10-01 1685
O.J. Simpson found not guilty 2008-11-01 1422
OAS created 2008-11-01 1226
Oklahoma bombing 2008-10-01 1309
OPEC Oil Embargo 2008-11-01 1240
Outbreak of 'Watts' race riots in Los Angeles 2008-10-01 2924
PanAm Boeing destroyed by terrorist bomb above Lockerbie, Scotland 2008-10-01 1384
Panama Canal Agreement 2008-11-01 1041
Panama Canal opens 2002-10-08 4341
Panama Canal Treaty 2008-10-01 1681
Pathfinder satellite explores Mars 2008-10-01 1174
Patrick Henry delivers famous speech about American autonomy 2009-02-01 2710
Patty Hearst arrested in San Francisco 2008-11-01 797
Paul Revere warns of invasion 2009-02-01 2617
Peace Agreement in Vietnam 2008-10-01 2743
Peace contract between Great Powers 2008-11-01 1742
Peace Corps created 2008-11-01 691
Peace preliminaries between British and Americans 2009-02-01 2410
Pendleton Act passed 2009-02-01 1266
Philippines declared an independent republic 2010-02-01 1941
Polaroid 2008-10-01 1466
Polio Vaccine invented 2008-11-01 2779
Pony Express 2009-02-01 1230
Possible US war with France 2009-02-01 2389
Potsdam Conference 2008-11-01 1122
Presidency of Abraham Lincoln 2009-01-20 3810
Presidency of Andrew Johnson 2009-01-20 3103
Presidency of Calvin Coolidge 2008-10-01 3282
Presidency of Chester Alan Arthur 2150
Presidency of Dwight D. Eisenhower 2008-10-01 2544
Presidency of Franklin Pierce 2009-01-20 2962
Presidency of Franklin Roosevelt 2008-10-01 2813
Presidency of George Bush 2008-10-01 2600
Presidency of George W. Bush 2008-10-01 740
Presidency of Gerald Ford 2008-10-01 2665
Presidency of Harry S. Truman 2008-10-01 3820
Presidency of Herbert Hoover 2008-10-01 3045
Presidency of James Buchanan 2009-01-20 2721
Presidency of James Garfield 2009-01-20 2708
Presidency of James Knox Polk 2009-01-20 3429
Presidency of John F. Kennedy 2002-10-20 2735
Presidency of John Tyler 2009-01-20 3771
Presidency of Lyndon Baines Johnson 2011-12-20 1883
Presidency of Martin Van Buren 2015-09-04 4211
Presidency of Millard Fillmore 2009-01-20 2914
Presidency of Richard Nixon 2008-10-01 2305
Presidency of Ronald Reagan 2008-10-01 1899
Presidency of Rutherford B. Hayes 2009-01-20 2621
Presidency of Stephen Grover Cleveland 2009-01-20 2527
Presidency of Theodore Roosevelt 2364
Presidency of Ulysses S. Grant 2009-01-20 2488
Presidency of Warren G. Harding 2008-10-01 2491
Presidency of William 'Bill' Clinton 2008-10-01 2219
Presidency of William Henry Harrison 2009-01-20 1932
Presidency of William Howard Taft 2008-10-01 2792
Presidency of William McKinley 2008-10-01 2927
Presidency of Woodrow Wilson 2008-10-01 2283
Presidency of Zachary Taylor 2009-01-20 3460
President Bush bails out Savings and Loan industry 2008-11-01 904
President Clinton announces budget surplus 2008-11-01 1032
President Clinton denies Monica Lewinski affair 2008-10-01 911
President Clinton establishes sexuality policy 2008-11-01 1296
President Clinton impeached 2008-11-01 1288
President Clinton invokes emergency powers 2008-11-01 982
President Clinton settles with Paula Corbin Jones 2008-11-01 1018
President Eisenhower re-elected 2008-10-01 1172
President Johnson meets Soviet Premier Kosygin 2008-11-01 936
President Johnson signs Civil Rights Act 2008-10-01 2975
President Kennedy declares U.S. advisors in Vietnam will defend themselves 2008-11-01 2424
President Nixon re-elected with large majority 2008-10-01 975
President Nixon visits China 2008-10-01 1911
President Reagan produces trillion-dollar budget 2008-11-01 693
President Reagan shot 2008-10-01 1622
President Wilson declares U.S. neutrality 2008-11-01 968
Production of H-Bomb 2008-11-01 1231
Prohibition begins 2002-10-08 2814
Prohibition ends 2008-10-01 1012
Proposition 13 in California 2008-11-01 763
Pure Food and Drug Act; Meat Inspection Act 2008-11-01 2393
Race riots across the United States and North America 2008-10-01 2903
Race riots in Los Angeles 2008-10-01 1650
Race riots in Newark and Detroit 2008-11-01 2917
Reagan commences strategic arms reduction talks with USSR 2010-02-01 727
Reagan launches 'Star Wars' 2008-10-01 979
Reconstruction Finance Corporation created 2008-11-01 1371
Red scare 2008-11-01 720
Republican Party takes majority in House of Representatives 2008-11-01 652
Robert Kennedy shot and killed 2008-11-01 1421
Rocket technology 2008-11-01 1457
Roe v. Wade 2008-11-01 1292
Ronald Reagan re-elected 2008-10-01 874
Roosevelt announces state of emergency 2008-11-01 781
Roosevelt attempts ‘pack’ Supreme Court 2008-11-01 1174
Roosevelt gives “Four Freedoms” speech 2008-11-01 694
Roosevelt signs Income Tax Bill 2008-11-01 1041
Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat on a bus in Alabama 2008-10-01 3225
Rosenbergs guilty of passing atomic secrets to Russia 2008-10-01 3992
Rural Electrification Administration 2008-11-01 996
Rush-Bagot Treaty 2009-02-01 1656
Sally Ride is first woman in space 2008-10-01 1303
Sand Creek Massacre 2009-02-01 2503
Scopes Trial 2008-11-01 1394
Sears Roebuck Tower, new tallest building in the world, completed 2008-10-01 1193
Second group of Watergate conspirators found guilty 2008-11-01 775
Segregation allowed by Supreme Court 2009-02-01 2161
Senator McCarthy leads Army hearings 2008-11-01 689
Shays Rebellion 2009-02-01 2809
Sherman Antitrust Act 2009-02-01 1455
Shooting in the House of Representatives 2008-11-01 1376
Sioux Chief Sitting Bull gives himself up to the US army 2009-01-20 2734
Slave revolt in New York 2009-02-01 2897
Sound barrier broken 2008-10-01 1819
South Carolina challenges federal government 2009-02-01 1314
South Carolina's Ordinance of Nullification 2009-02-01 1076
Southern Manifesto: Massive Resistance 2008-11-01 2659
Space shuttle Challenger explodes 2008-11-01 752
St. Lawrence Seaway 2008-11-01 2498
St. Valentine’s Day Massacre 2008-11-01 1169
Standard Oil dissolved 2008-11-01 1557
Start of Freedom rides anti-racism campaign 2008-10-01 3467
Stock Market crash and rebound 2008-11-01 964
Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty signed 2008-10-01 980
Supreme Court Order on integration 2008-11-01 1294
Supreme Court rules on congressional district population 2008-11-01 1268
Supreme Court rules on Pentagon Papers 2008-11-01 1443
Supreme Court rules on religion in public schools 2008-11-01 1166
Supreme Court ruling on rights of defendants 2008-11-01 1167
Taft-Hartley Labor Act 2008-11-01 758
Talking Pictures 2008-11-01 1526
Teapot Dome Scandal 2008-11-01 822
Telstar launches global live TV transmission 2008-10-01 1229
Tennessee Valley Authority created 2008-11-01 889
Texas admitted to the Union 2009-01-20 4020
Texas announces secession 2009-02-01 1815
The Liberator Newspaper founded 2009-02-01 2696
The Beginning of the White House 2009-02-01 1093
The Great Awakening 2009-02-01 1550
The Pancho Villa Expedition / Mexican Expedition 2008-11-01 1334
The Pullman Strike 2009-02-01 1588
The U.S. helped suppress Boxers in Beijing 2009-02-01 1982
Thomas Edison's kinetoscope 2009-02-01 1974
Three US astronauts return from 85 days in SkyLab 2008-10-01 1274
Tobacco companies settle with States 2008-11-01 733
Transistor invented 2008-10-01 1452
Trial and Execution of Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti 2008-10-01 1937
Truman nationalizes steel mills 2008-11-01 1373
Truman removes McArthur from command 2008-11-01 676
U.S. Agriculture Marketing Act 2008-11-01 768
U.S. Air Commerce Act 2008-11-01 702
U.S. Bailout of Chrysler Corp. 2008-11-01 938
U.S. bombs Hanoi and begins troop build-up 2008-11-01 1891
U.S. buys Virgin Islands 2008-11-01 1091
U.S. ceases bombing of Cambodia 2008-11-01 1268
U.S. Census 2009-02-01 982
U.S. Coal strike 2008-11-01 1196
U.S. confronts Nicaragua 2008-11-01 1067
U.S. Congress votes to support South Vietnamese refugees 2008-11-01 2180
U.S. creates military government in Dominican Republic 2008-11-01 680
U.S. declares neutrality 2008-11-01 641
U.S. Declares Open Door Policy 2009-02-01 1279
U.S. Government shutdown 2008-11-01 711
U.S. Great White Fleet 2008-11-01 1653
U.S. Involvement in Laos announced 2008-11-01 704
U.S. Marines land in China 2008-11-01 1533
U.S. military attacked in Beirut 2008-11-01 1551
U.S. mines North Vietnam ports 2008-11-01 2340
U.S. Naturalization Act 2009-02-01 1203
U.S. passes Conscription Law and joins war 2008-11-01 598
U.S. sells Britain military equipment 2008-11-01 615
U.S. Senate finally rejects Versailles Treaty 2008-11-01 648
U.S. sends troops to Dominican Republic 2008-11-01 663
U.S. severs ties with Cuba 2008-11-01 784
U.S. ship Mayaguez seized by Cambodians 2008-11-01 1473
U.S. war with Tripoli 2009-02-01 1144
U.S.- Mexico hostility 2008-11-01 1002
U.S.-Algeria dispute 2009-02-01 911
U.S.-France Treaty 2009-02-01 2364
Unabomber sentenced 2008-11-01 1147
United States intervenes in Korea 2008-11-01 687
University of Alabama desegregated 2008-11-01 3447
University of California v Bakke 2008-11-01 1201
US and Britain form Secret Alliance; Issue Atlantic Charter 2008-10-01 1312
US and EEC place economic sanctions on South Africa 2008-10-01 1309
US bombs Libya 2008-10-01 1205
US dissolves official defence ties with Taiwan 2008-10-01 868
US Enters First World War 2008-10-01 2596
US Federal troops deployed to Arkansas to reinforce antisegregation laws 2008-10-01 2873
US forces land and take Okinawa 2008-10-01 979
US heightens intensity of Cambodia bombing 2008-10-01 1677
US intervenes in Vietnam 2008-10-01 2628
US invades Grenada 2008-10-01 1440
US invades Haiti and restores democracy 2008-10-01 1640
US invades Panama; General Noriega overthrown 2008-10-01 1678
US leaves Somalia 2008-10-01 947
US Marines land on Guam 2001-10-20 1124
US passes Lend-Lease Act 2008-10-01 1520
US Peace treaty with Germany, Austria and Hungary 2008-11-01 1216
US shuttle docks with Mir 2008-10-01 935
US Supreme Court confirms States' right to enforce the death penalty 2008-10-01 1242
US trains South Vietnamese army 2008-11-01 1044
US troops land at Iwo Jima 2008-10-01 1153
US troops pulled from Vietnam 2008-10-01 2190
US U2 spy plane shot down over USSR 2008-10-01 3556
US-Taiwanese Bilateral Pact 2008-10-01 996
USA and allies invade Iraq 2008-10-01 1331
USA takes Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam from Spain 2009-02-01 2386
USS Liberty destroyed 2008-11-01 1246
USS Maine Destroyed 2009-02-01 2573
USS Pueblo attacked by North Koreans 2008-11-01 1306
Vice President Agnew Resigns 2008-11-01 839
Vietnam Peace talks conclude 2008-11-01 2437
Vietnam vets reach settlement 2008-11-01 788
Viking II lands on Mars 2008-11-01 1204
Voyager 1 space probe reaches Saturn 2008-10-01 1257
Waco Crisis 2008-11-01 1274
Walt Disney World opens in Florida 2008-10-01 1423
Walter Mondale wins Democratic nomination 2008-11-01 827
War in Vietnam ends - Saigon surrenders to the Vietcong 2008-10-01 2694
War of the Worlds radio broadcast 2008-11-01 860
Warren Commission finding 2008-11-01 825
Washington crosses the Delaware 2010-01-01 2474
Watergate Affair: President Nixon ordered to surrender tape recordings 2008-10-01 787
Watergate conspirators found guilty 2008-11-01 871
Watergate: ‘The Saturday Night Massacre’ 2008-11-01 1272
Welfare Reform Bill passed 2008-11-01 1325
Woodstock concert 2008-11-01 1441
Works Progress Administration created 2008-11-01 1063
World Trade Center bombers convicted 2008-11-01 1214
World Trade Center destroyed 2008-05-26 802
World Trade Center terrorist bomb attack 2008-10-01 1311
World Trade Center, tallest building in world, completed 2008-10-01 1232
Yalta Conference 2008-09-12 880
Yellowstone National Park founded 2009-02-01 1403
Zenger acquitted of libel 2009-02-01 3550

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