Articles by Gisela Argyle

37558 views of this contributor's works.
Article Publication Date Page Views
Eliot, George. Feuerbach's Essence of Christianity 1854 2010-11-05 6239
Eliot, George. Strauss's Life of Jesus 1846 2010-11-05 6098
Gissing, George. The Whirlpool 1897 2015-09-27 3408
Keun, Irmgard 2014-09-11 3901
Keun, Irmgard. Das kunstseidene Mädchen 1932 2016-08-16 2868
Ward, Mrs Humphry. Helbeck of Bannisdale 1898 2012-09-04 4892
Ward, Mrs Humphry. Marcella 1894 2013-09-05 3872
Ward, Mrs Humphry. Robert Elsmere 1888 2011-09-15 6280

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