Articles edited by Cristina Sandru

Article Publication Date
Andrzej Stasiuk 2014-09-01
Angela Thirkell 2008-06-09
Anonymous. Popol Vuh 1554 2009-10-20
Barker, Pat. Life Class 2007 2008-04-06
Barnes, Julian. A History of the World in 10 1/2 Chapters 1989 2010-04-27
Barnes, Julian. Arthur and George 2006 2011-07-22
Barnes, Julian. England, England 1998 2010-10-22
Bowen, Elizabeth. A World of Love 1955 2008-05-13
Bowen, Elizabeth. Collected Impressions 1950 2008-05-13
Bowen, Elizabeth. The Heat of the Day 1949 2008-05-22
Bowen, Elizabeth. The House in Paris 1935 2008-06-04
Bowen, Elizabeth. The Little Girls 1964 2008-06-04
Bowen, Elizabeth. To the North 1932 2008-04-13
Bridget O'Connor 2023-10-21
Brittain, Vera Mary. Testament of Youth 1933 2008-06-27
Cărtărescu, Mircea. Nostalgia 1989 2010-06-03
Cărtărescu, Mircea. Orbitor, vol. 1 1996 2010-06-03
Cărtărescu, Mircea. Travesti 1994 2010-06-03
Cervantes, Miguel de. Novelas ejemplares 1613 2024-02-15
Chateaubriand 2023-12-01
Christopher Abani 2010-11-09
Colin MacInnes 2011-02-21
Constantin Noica 2014-01-13
Cormac McCarthy 2012-06-15
Danilo Kiš 2010-02-19
David Lodge 2001-07-17
Dystopia and Dystopian Literature 2018-05-21
Elif Shafak 2021-05-27
Emil Cioran 2009-02-03
Eymery, Marguerite. La Marquise de Sade 1887 2017-07-26
Fowles, John. The Tree 1979 2009-12-29
Fred D'Aguiar 2011-09-05
Gary Shteyngart 2024-10-03
Greene, Graham. The Third Man 1950 2023-08-04
Griffiths, Niall. Grits 2000 2008-06-23
Griffiths, Niall. Stump 2003 2008-06-13
Habila, Helon. Measuring Time 2004 2011-07-19
Habila, Helon. Oil on Water 2010 2011-07-19
Habila, Helon. Waiting for an Angel 2007 2011-07-19
Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Tanglewood Tales 1853 2011-08-24
Helon Habila 2011-07-19
Hollinghurst, Alan. The Line of Beauty 2004 2008-05-30
Hosseini, Khaled. The Kite Runner 2004 2009-12-18
Imre Kertész 2008-01-10
Ishiguro, Kazuo. A Pale View of Hills 1982 2008-02-11
Ishiguro, Kazuo. Klara and the Sun 2021 2022-10-07
Ismail Kadare 2010-03-30
Ismat Chughtai 2008-09-24
Ivo Andrić 2010-09-01
J. K. Rowling 2007-10-21
James Gould Cozzens 2008-06-13
Jenny Diski 2009-02-26
Jim Crace 2011-07-18
John Flamsteed 2010-05-26
Juan Pérez de Montalbán 2024-02-15
Judith Wright 2008-04-24
Kundera, Milan. L'art du roman, essai 1986 2020-12-16
Levy, Andrea. Small Island 2004 2010-02-09
Magona, Sindiwe. Beauty's Gift 2008 2012-03-08
Matei Vişniec 2021-05-10
McEwan, Ian. “Düssel…” 2018 2019-10-23
McEwan, Ian. Lessons 2022 2024-01-12
Milan Kundera 2006-04-27
Milan Kundera 2006-04-27
Mircea Cărtărescu 2010-06-03
Mitchell, David. Ghostwritten 1999 2012-02-09
O'Connor, Bridget. Here Comes John 1993 2023-11-20
Orhan Pamuk 2010-06-22
Panait Istrati 2021-01-06
Phillips, Caryl. The Nature of Blood 1997 2013-08-30
Porter, Katherine Anne. Noon Wine 1937 2011-11-02
Publius Papinius Statius 2013-02-05
Richard Hugo 2023-09-20
Rushdie, Salman. East, West 1994 2014-03-03
Rushdie, Salman. Haroun and the Sea of Stories 1990 2016-01-25
Rushdie, Salman. Languages of Truth 2021 2024-01-24
Rushdie, Salman. Quichotte 2019 2020-05-11
Rushdie, Salman. The Enchantress of Florence 2008 2010-08-20
Rushdie, Salman. The Golden House 2017 2024-01-23
Rushdie, Salman. The Ground Beneath Her Feet 1999 2016-04-26
Rushdie, Salman. Victory City 2023 2024-02-06
Salman Rushdie 2003-05-16
Salman Rushdie 2003-05-16
Saunders, George. Lincoln in the Bardo 2017 2025-01-31
Scott, Kim. Benang: from the heart 1999 2008-05-08
Shafak, Elif. Baba ve Piç 2006 2024-04-17
Shafak, Elif. The Island of Missing Trees 2021 2024-10-17
Sillitoe, Alan. The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner 1959 2010-06-05
Smith, Zadie. On Beauty 2005 2008-02-13
Smith, Zadie. White Teeth 2000 2008-04-23
Soueif, Ahdaf. The Map of Love 1999 2014-01-30
Stoppard, Tom. Rosencrantz and Guildernstern are Dead 1966 2023-07-26
Storey, David. The Restoration of Arnold Middleton 1966 2023-06-20
Swift, Graham. "Bruises" 2023 2023-12-01
Swift, Graham. England and Other Stories 2014 2015-10-16
Sylvia Plath 2003-09-17
Thomas, D. M.. The White Hotel 1981 2008-05-30
Tom Sharpe 2024-11-22
Tyler, Anne. If Morning Ever Comes 1964 2008-09-15
Vaculík, Ludvík. Český snář 1980 2021-03-17
Vassilis Alexakis 2013-01-06
Waguih Ghali 2008-09-12
Waters, Sarah. Affinity 1999 2008-01-07
Waters, Sarah. Fingersmith 2002 2008-01-09
Waters, Sarah. Tipping the Velvet 1998 2008-01-09
Winterson, Jeanette. Written on the Body 1992 2008-12-03
Zadie Smith 2017-09-01

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