Beryl Bainbridge

Brett Josef Grubisic (University of British Columbia)
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With the release of her first novel in the spring of 1967, thirty four-year old Beryl Bainbridge inaugurated a prolific writing career. In addition to her sixteen novels, Bainbridge published non-fiction, short stories, television and film scripts, plays for radio and stage, theatre reviews, and newspaper columns. She continued to write during her treatment for lung cancer, and in the months before her death on July 2, 2010, she was reported to be putting finishing touches on

The Girl in the Polka Dot Dress

, a novel about a young woman named Rose who is journeying through the United States at the time of Bobby Kennedy’s assassination.

Bainbridge was born in Liverpool on November 21, 1932, and grew up in Formby, a nearby coastal town. The region left a lasting impression on her. In

2293 words

Citation: Grubisic, Brett Josef. "Beryl Bainbridge". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 08 January 2011 [, accessed 04 June 2024.]

5104 Beryl Bainbridge 1 Historical context notes are intended to give basic and preliminary information on a topic. In some cases they will be expanded into longer entries as the Literary Encyclopedia evolves.

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