John Maplet (d. 1592) was an astrologer, natural historian, and country parson. He is now chiefly known for one book,

A Greene Forest, or a Naturall Historie

. About his earliest years nothing is known; he began his university education in 1560, at Queen's College, Cambridge, matriculating as a sizar (a scholarship student) and taking his B.A. in 1563-64. He was listed as a fellow of St. Catherine's College in 1564 and ordained a deacon the same year. Three years later, he was a fellow of Caius College, from which he took his M.A. in 1566-67. At some point he married Ellen Leap, a widow with at least one son, and went on to have with her three daughters and two sons.

Maplet traveled the well-worn path from Cambridge to a church living, first at Great Leighs, Essex, where he served as

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Citation: McHenry, Patrick. "John Maplet". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 23 June 2006 [, accessed 03 October 2024.]

11720 John Maplet 1 Historical context notes are intended to give basic and preliminary information on a topic. In some cases they will be expanded into longer entries as the Literary Encyclopedia evolves.

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