Descended from two of Italy’s most illustrious families, Vittoria Colonna was born in the castle of Marino, outside of Rome, to Fabrizio Colonna and Agnese of Montefeltro, daughter of the duke of Urbino, in 1490 or, possibly, 1492. Educated at home, as typical of the upper aristocracy, she received a solid preparation in the humanities to ready her for a prestigious union and a future as a leading figure not only in her own court but also among the great ladies of her day. As a girl, her greatest value to the family was as a pawn on the marriage market, to be used to solidify its stability, powerbase, and alliances. In 1495, she was betrothed in a political match fostered by the king of Naples, Ferdinand II. The Colonnas had made their mark for centuries as political, military, and…
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Citation: Bassanese, Fiora A.. "Vittoria Colonna". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 08 April 2010 [, accessed 19 February 2025.]