Giovanni Sabadino degli Arienti is remembered principally for
Le Porretane, a collection of Italian vernacular tales loosely modelled on Giovanni Boccaccio’s
Decameron.The work was printed in the early 1490s by Henry of Cologne (although the incunabulum bears a fictional date of 1483), and in three separate editions during the twentieth century (1914, 1975 and 1981). Arienti’s other works remained in manuscript during his own day, but they are increasingly recognized as important contributions to the Bolognese literary Renaissance of the second half of the fifteenth century.
The son of a barber who had fought on the side of the Bentivoglio in the battles to establish their political dominance, Arienti trained as a notary at the University of Bologna. He was helped and encouraged in
1859 words
Citation: James, Carolyn. "Giovanni Sabadino degli Arienti". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 29 February 2016 [, accessed 14 February 2025.]