La graziosa Isabella, decoro delle scene, ornamento dei teatri, spettacolo superbo non meno di virtù che di bellezza, ha illustrato ancora lei questa professione in modo che, mentre il mondo durarà, mentre staranno i secoli, mentre avran vita gli ordini e i tempi, ogni voce, ogni lingua, ogni grido risuonarà il celebre nome d’Isabella. The gracious Isabella, adornment of the stage, ornament of the theatre, a superb spectacle no less of virtue than of beauty, has also made her profession so illustrious that as long as the world will last, and down to the end of time, every voice, every tongue, every cry will echo the famous name of Isabella (Garzoni,
La piazza universale320).
Isabella Canali, born in Padua to Venetian parents in 1562, was an Italian actress, singer, dancer, poet,
3235 words
Citation: Riverso, Nicla. "Isabella Andreini". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 05 April 2017 [, accessed 09 February 2025.]