Lodovico Dolce was a prolific editor and polymath born in Venice in 1508 to a prominent family that was active in the political life of the city. After the death of his father, Fantino, his education was ensured by rich and powerful family friends, such as the
dogeLeonardo Loredan (1438–1521) and members of the Cornaro family. The University of Padua’s literary studies guaranteed Dolce sufficient (albeit not abundant) financial means. He was able to sustain himself thanks to countless collaborations with various printers operating in Venice, which was the hothouse of the typographical industry during the sixteenth century; these printers included De’ Vitali, Bindoni and Pasini, Zoppino, Nicolini da Sabio, Navò, Marcolini, Manuzio, Sessa, Farri, Varisco, and, above all, and…
1656 words
Citation: Clerc, Sandra. "Lodovico Dolce". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 17 July 2017 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=13840, accessed 18 February 2025.]