Rudolph Ackermann was born in Saxony (now one of the eastern federal states of the German republic) and migrated to London where he became a very successful publisher of prints and of

The Repository of Arts

, an influential monthly magazine which appeared from 1809 to 1829.

Ackerman was born at Stollberg, near Leipzig, on 20 April 1764. He was the sixth child of Barthel Ackermann (1723–1798), a saddler, and his wife Justina Scharschmidt (1732–1808). Having received a good basic education in a classical high school, in 1779 he was apprenticed as saddler to his older brother Friedrich. In 1872 he went to Dresden to train as carriage designer and thereafter worked in this profession in Switzerland, Paris and Brussels from 1784 to 1787, when he migrated to London to work for the carriage

650 words

Citation: Clark, Robert. "Rudolph Ackermann". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 02 June 2017 [, accessed 26 January 2025.]

13951 Rudolph Ackermann 1 Historical context notes are intended to give basic and preliminary information on a topic. In some cases they will be expanded into longer entries as the Literary Encyclopedia evolves.

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