Anna Maria Speckel was mainly active as a reporter and a lecturer, disseminating Italian culture abroad during the period between the two World Wars and for two decades after World War II. During the Fascist years she represented the so-called
femminista latina(Latin feminist), a peculiar kind of “feminist” who claimed emancipation without questioning men’s privileges, which remained undisputed both socially and with respect to gender relationships.
The fragmentary information about Anna Maria Speckel does not allow us to ascertain her date of birth or death. As for her birth, Silvia Ruggeri in Donne e giornalismo durante il Fascismo [Women and Journalism during Fascism] indicates 1882 (Ruggeri 2004: 230), while Maria Bandini Buti in Enciclopedia biografica e bibliografica
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Citation: Perugi, Rosella. "Anna Maria Speckel". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 07 October 2020 [, accessed 13 February 2025.]