“Yes, metaphor can ease the strain of grief” (Shamsie, 2004), said Sara Suleri Goodyear, who, through writing geographical and temporal dislocation, invoked lost people, culture, history and geography in her works through her memories of those she had loved and lost. According to William Ghosh:
In her memoirs, Suleri foregrounded the act of creative picture-making and imaginative invention. Similar acts of invention were foregrounded in her criticism. Indeed, across her three single-author books, criticism and memoir are seen as continuous enterprises: both involve interpreting, remembering, and hence inventing, at least to some extent, the lives of other people. (63)
In her memoirs, Suleri foregrounded the act of creative picture-making and imaginative invention. Similar acts of…
2891 words
Citation: Irum, Sonia. "Sara Suleri (Goodyear)". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 11 May 2021; last revised 03 February 2023. [https://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=14562, accessed 07 September 2024.]