Susan Minot

Rachel Lister (University of Durham)
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Susan Minot is a short-story writer, novelist, playwright, poet, and screenwriter. She was born in 1956 in Boston and raised as one of seven children in Manchester-by-the-Sea. Speaking to Dave Weich in 2002, Minot remembers a childhood where creativity was encouraged: “My mother celebrated the imagination.

Come on, sit around the table. Do your paints. Oh, that's so lovely!

She was appreciative of making things and always showed an appreciation for the imagination.” When Minot was 21, her mother died in an accident.

Minot began writing because she felt “compelled” to do so. She wrote for several hours each day as a thirteen-year-old. She attended Brown University and Columbia University, where she would later teach Creative Writing. Minot has written across a range of forms and

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Citation: Lister, Rachel. "Susan Minot". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 17 September 2021; last revised 17 April 2023. [, accessed 27 July 2024.]

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