Bilal Tanweer

Nusrat Khawaja (Independent Scholar - Asia)
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Bilal Tanweer is a contemporary Pakistani writer whose œuvre includes English language fiction, poetry, essay writing, and translations. Significantly, Tanweer’s writing explores the complex challenges presented by life in a mega-city. His acclaimed debut novel, 

The Scatter Here is Too Great

(2014), is set in Karachi, the city of his birth, and draws its narrative from the seminal themes of violence and survival. Tanweer is married to Maryam Wasif Khan, an Assistant Professor at LUMS and a scholar of Comparative Literature.

On 27 May 1983, Bilal Tanweer was born into “a very middle-class family” (Tanweer, 2018). The economic and social frustrations of middle-class disenfranchisement and the daily indignities that accost the less privileged strata of Pakistani society, such as

1393 words

Citation: Khawaja, Nusrat. "Bilal Tanweer". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 28 February 2023 [, accessed 17 January 2025.]

14845 Bilal Tanweer 1 Historical context notes are intended to give basic and preliminary information on a topic. In some cases they will be expanded into longer entries as the Literary Encyclopedia evolves.

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